
Hayden's Sympathy For His Father In 'Those Winter Sunday'

Decent Essays

The speaker of “Those Winter Sunday” described the hard labor of his father in which no one appreciate, but he is still able to take care of his family. The speaker used imagery, alliteration, and word choice to recalls the unconditional love his father shows him when he was a child. Hayden uses profound imagery to transmit his emotions. Every winter Sunday morning; also during the weekday, the speaker will stay in bed while his father rose up to kindle the fire to warm the house. The speaker voiced sympathy for his father getting up on a cold Sunday morning to care for him. The speaker states, “Sundays too my father got up early/and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold.” (Hayden 1-2). The speaker did not give direct statements to describes the love his father shows him; however, his description creates a clear image of events in the reader mind. He gives image of his father as a hard-working man who did not took day off to rest. Hayden states that his father has got "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday" (3-4), making the reader to feel sympathy for his father. In line-5 the speaker states “No one ever thanked him,” this show his regrets of not showing appreciation for the sacrifices his father made for family every day. …show more content…

he uses short hard consonants such as blueblack, cracked, ached, weekday, banked, wake, breaking, cold, chronic, and speaking to explains the difficulty of his father life. The speakers state his father has got "cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday” (3-4). This show the reader how hard working the father was. With his condition, he’s still able to make woods to make the house warm. He wakes up every Sunday to polish his son's "good shoes" (12), indicating that his father was a religious person and wanted the speaker to look good among

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