
Hate Crimes Among Juveniles

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This paper will examine the origin and transition of hate crimes among juveniles within the United States. A glimpse of crimes in the past, present and future will aid in the comprehension of legislation and the implications on specific groups. This paper will also expose why certain hate crimes continue to exist after legislation is enacted. Research will examine current legislation and potential legislation in hopes of eradication of hate crimes and their perpetrators. Hate crime victims need support in overcoming fear. Understanding how to unveil the true cause of heinous acts of violence on innocent people in order to bring about change continues to be a challenge especially when the perpetrator is a youth. Hate crimes has many …show more content…

Students are often bullied because of their intellect, gender, sexual orientation and race. The victimization occurs on various social media and is then manifested physically. Students are afraid to inform school authorities for fear of retaliation and to uphold the “no snitching” rule. Maintaining power through anonymity is fuel for the perpetrator and continued fear for the victims. The initial thoughts of hate are birthed and continues to manifest via social media, peers and various individuals. This topic is concerning because many of the hate crimes committed are done by youth. Many of them fail to comprehend the consequences of their behaviors and the effects it has on themselves and others. Youth and many adults have turned social media into an intimidation vehicle instead of a connection tool. As a nation, are things improving with hate crimes, legislation and victims? Is that first amendment an excuse for hate to be tolerated? If hate crimes are so wrong, why are there states that refrain from adhering to the …show more content…

Past research identifies that mental health deficits are a contributing factor to such behaviors. However, youth view the behaviors of prominent leaders, music artist and believe the inappropriate comments are acceptable because of their role in society. As a nation, how can the youth be protected against such statements and how are consequences applied to them? Failure to provide a clear understanding that behaviors of hate crimes are not tolerated, can breed pseudo-terrorist who attempt to get their voices heard. Although the acts may not present physical harm, the emotional and mental harm is stifling. It has taken the nation several years to move forward but the new millennium has a complex of crimes against mankind. Our youth act on the things they see but fail to understand the nature of their

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