
HR Synthesis Essay

Decent Essays

Due to the activation of the SNS via dynamic exercise, the body’s CV system underwent regulatory changes to ensure the active skeletal muscles were supplied with sufficient oxygen, via the redistribution of blood, due to the increased metabolite production and need for waste removal. The need for more oxygen supply resulted in increases in HR during dynamic exercise. Sympathetic activation causes adrenaline to be released into the bloodstream (polson). The raised hormonal activity of adrenaline causes the increase in HR, as adrenaline acts on adrenoreceptors on the heart, to increase the contraction of it (polson). The increase in HR is also caused by raised calcium levels within myocardial fibres, which causes more rapid depolarisations, and hence the rate at which the heart contracts (polson). HR decreases during recovery due to vagal mediation of the Bainbridge reflex (). Increases in HR affects VR, which in turn affects BP variables, therefore HR will cause increases in PP.
The electrocardiogram (ECG) was used for continuous HR measurements.
A decrease in DP was shown in the results. This is caused by adrenaline also acting on beta receptors in the …show more content…

This would cause the values recorded for ‘after exercise’ measurements to be incorrect. After intensive exercise, the parasympathetic system dominates over the sympathetic, and hence vagal mediation begins (Imai et al, 1994). Vagal mediation causes SP and HR to exponentially decline after exercise (Imai et al, 1994), while DP increases (Polson, 2015). Hence delayed measurements via the manual sphygmomanometer and palpatory method will cause false representations of the CV responses after exercise. Therefore, automatic and portable equipment such as the holter electrocardiogram and the Finapress, should be used for a better representation of HR, SP and DP, and henceforth PP and

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