
H. J Mccloskey Argument

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From the beginning, the controversy regarding the existence of God has been hotly debated. Convincing arguments from atheists and theists have been heavily debated and discussed in order to provide sufficient proof of Gods existence or lack thereof, and in 1986 H.J. McCloskey put pen to paper and wrote the article “On Being an Atheist” in order to share his views. McCloskey claims that the classical theistic views for God’s existence are not logically reasonable, and further states that because evil exists in the world, the possibility of the existence of God is impossible.
The very foundation of McCloskey’s argument is in what he calls proofs. McCloskey believes that “theists do not come to believe in God as a result of reflecting on the proofs, but as a result of other reasons and factors” (McCloskey). There are, however, a number of reasons for the belief in God’s existence. The first being the best explanation approach. Theists believe the existence for God can be found in the divine creation of the world, the universe, and mankind itself. The miracle of conception and the birth of a baby. The placement of the sun, the moon, and the stars. The way in which life itself begins and ends. All of which reflect back to a divine, personal, intelligent being. Could an argument be made to counter this view? Sure, nothing is absolute, however when …show more content…

God gave us free will to choose and make our own decisions. Free will is a gift from God where he has allowed man to be able to make decisions on his own. In most instances, from a small age you are told the difference between right and wrong, however, some people take free will for granted and make the determination that if I don’t get caught then it is ok. If God gave us free will and then told us what to with it then it wouldn’t actually be

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