
The Problem Of Evil, The Fine Tuning Argument And The Moral Argument

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In this essay, I am going to argue that God exists. The three main concepts that I’m going to talk about which which are the problem of evil, the fine tuning argument and the moral argument. According to theism, God is: “that being which no greater is possible, and he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent.”. By having a God who only desires good, and us living in a world where evil exists, it is logically impossible and that is what created the problem of evil. There are two sides of the problem of evil which are the logical and evidential argument. The logical side states that: “An omnipotent God would be able to prevent or eliminate all the evil and suffering in this world.
An omniscient God would know about all the evil and suffering in this world and would know how to prevent it or eliminate it.
An omnibenevolent God would want to prevent or eliminate all the evil and suffering in this world.
Evil and suffering exists in this world, therefore, there is no God.”
As long as evil and suffering exists in this world, God cannot exist. More importantly, it does not only contradict with the idea of God being “all-good”, but also him being “all-knowing” and “all-powerful” as well. Because, if God only desires good, how evil was formed unless God was evil in someway. If not, then if God has all knowledge, he should know evil exists. Even more, if God is “all-power”, he should be able to the evil and suffering in the that he created. So, the existence of evil contradicts

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