
H. E. B Diabetes Management Plan

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H-E-B Diabetes Management Program
Honey Patel
Jordan Tran
Andrew Acosta
Wilburn Folsom
Niaz Deyhim
Junnie Mwaniki

Group # 7

H.E.B Pharmacy #401
Diabetes Management Program 409 E. Kleberg Avenue Kingsville, TX 78363

Phone Number: 361-595-5641

Executive Summary

H.E.B Pharmacy #401 is a well-established pharmacy in Kingsville, TX, situated in Kleberg County. H.E.B has more than 300 pharmacies, located in over 150 communities all throughout Texas. HE.B. #401 caters to the conservative patients that reside in the Kleberg area. Although there are other five pharmacies around 2 to 3 miles radius. It fills approximately 300 prescriptions a day. Currently, the H.E.B #401 pharmacy …show more content…

Whereas in Kleberg county, in Kingsville, with a population of 10,000 its 8.6% Although, there are diabetes management program available in south Texas the diabetes rate is increasing every year because of the lack of education about diabetes. Therefore, to increase awareness in south Texas we chose to establish a diabetes management clinic in HEB #401 pharmacy. Furthermore, unlike other diabetes management programs in Kleberg, our program will be more patient oriented; a hands-on approach. We feel our program’s strategy will be more successful than other programs because we offer personalized, individual consultations to aid in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. We will perform blood glucose, blood pressure, and A1C monitoring. The program will also offer diet advice and MTM for a complete 6 month enrollment. Furthermore, our program is supported and adapted using the American Diabetes Association …show more content…

This shows a need our program can fill, for the ever growing HEB clientele. In addition, all diabetes testing supplies are sold only in the pharmacy area. The cashier will be able encourage other patients to join our program. We will also attach fliers with each prescription order and post promotional signs outside of the store to attract more patients. After the training regarding diabetes management to pharmacist, promotion, and launch of our program. The First month goal we have is to enroll at least 8 patients every month. Therefore, we estimate to make a revenue of $ the first year. The complete cost for the pharmacist and technician hours and promotion for the first year are estimated to be $ . Training will be provided by corporate. Therefore to make a profit, we will need to enroll more than patients in our first year. After the first year, we will need to enroll more than patients per year. Since we estimate to enroll approximately patients in the first year, the initial starting costs and variable costs will be

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