
Gynaecology And Obstetrics-Laparoscopic A

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Gynaecology and Obstetrics – Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis
To understand the Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis procedure, we must first understand what adhesions are. Adhesions are fibrous bands of scar tissue that form between tissues and organs. It’s kind of an internal scar tissue that connects tissues which are not normally connected. They usually form after an abdominal surgery, or after a bout of gastrointestinal or intra-abdominal infection such as diverticulitis, pelvic inflammatory disease and the like. Almost 95% of all people who undergo an abdominal surgery develop adhesions, as they are a part of the body’s natural healing process.
Why is Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis required?
Although most adhesions don’t cause any symptoms, some may

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