
Gut Microbiomes

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The diversity of our microbiota, gut bacteria, is a hot topic for advancing research right now. Recent scientific and technological advances, microbiomes are the newest craze regarding “gut-science”

WE are first introduced to the microbiomes when we are born through the birth canal we pick up microbiomes important for establishing a healthy ecosystem in the gut.

“80 percent of your immune system is in your microbiome, your body’s bacteria, which help your body with just about every process, including helping you to digest your food, think clearly and even maintain a healthy weight.”

As the line between what's not healthy becomes even more blurred, rare is the person who doesn’t worry maintaining a healthy overall weight, but doesn't we …show more content…

Diet is an important factor in shaping the gut ecosystem

Your gut microbiome responds to what you feed it. When you regularly eat a variety of healthy, non-processed foods, your microbiome becomes programmed to work for you. The more varied your diet, the healthier gut there is a wide variety of micros to break down the different variety of food.

Study saw that by eating certain food they were able to pinpoint which microbes increased and which decreased. If we apply a more westernized diet of high fat low veggie intake to this their our microbiomes will signal the brain to keep eating those foods found an increased number of one microbe and decrease of variation. Which science is telling us isn't what we want.

Studdys show Microbes in obese and lean body types differ in tht In healthy people are found to have a more diverse range of microbes will in a more obsess person there is less diversity.
A healthy diet nurture beneficial bacteria and limit colonization by harmful ones.

Is it possible that probiotics or other microbe based treatments could offer a new alternative to …show more content…

The real take home here is that the contents of your personal microbial ecosystem, and the traits they represent, might be transferrable.

Of course there are other things linked to obesity not just traced back to one thing. But excited to see what science has just around the corner for us

A recent study also demonstrated that gut bacteria can produce significant amounts of amyloid and lipopolysaccharides, which are key players in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease [25]. These observations illustrate the important role of microorganisms in human health and suggest that manipulating them may influence disease activity.

“Many scientists who work on the microbiome think their research will inspire a new generation of tools to treat and prevent obesity. Still, researchers are quick to point out that this is a young field with far more questions than

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