
Gumption By Russell Baker Essay

Decent Essays

Mind Numbing Clichés Success is a determinant of the amount of work put in to achieve it. People assume the only jobs that expel an odor of success are doctors, lawyers, and businessmen. This cliché is challenged in the essay, “Gumption” written by Russell Baker. Baker expresses his struggle with staying true to his idle personality, while still pleasing his mother’s aspirations of raising a resourceful businessman. Baker’s essay outlines the idea that clichéd lives may complement success, but clichés do not always complement happiness. Baker begins his essay by explicating his mother’s unfailing determination to extricate inactivity from his lethargic personality. “You’ve got no more gumption than a bump on a log” (Baker 1). This comparison made by Baker’s mother vividly exhibits her non-complacent attitude towards Baker’s inactivity. His mother’s discontent with his character was further tarnished by the fact that his sister allotted a personality that overflowed with gumption. “Doris could have made …show more content…

“My mother reached into her bottomless supply of maxims and told Doris, ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’” (Baker 6). “By the time I was ten I had learned all my mother’s maxims by heart” (Baker 6). The use of clichés allows Baker’s writing to be relatable to most of his readers. This alluring choice of discourse is the perfect way to capture an audience’s attention. Baker explicates that the one maxim that served to be the most irritating was the one about success. “The one I most despised was, ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again’” (Baker 6). This is not surprising that a maxim depicting success is the one that is the most irritating to Baker because most of his childhood included his mom hampering down on him about being successful in business. The career oriented strife he faced most of his child life is keenly evident

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