
Guitar Concert Review

Decent Essays

On September 8th, 2016 at 7:30 PM, a concert was held at Chabot College, Buffington Theater. A concert was performed by many different musicians such as William Sauerland with voice; Rick Flores with guitar , I really enjoy this performance because the guitar is one of my favorite instruments. The next one is Percussion which performed by Timothy Harris, Joe Bonfiglio with clarinet and Casey Hurt with piano and voice; Beverly Johnston with flute, Eric Schultz with vibes and electronics Deb Shider with oboe. There were 4 to 5 pieces performed by many musicians that I had listed on top. In each performance, each one of them contained its own unique techniques , contents, tempo and rhythms, sound and voice. The first piece was performed by Timothy Harris. His main instrument is a drum. In this instrument, the uniqueness about the drum is fast and it was very easy to know. In this performed, Timothy Harris started his performing named "Morris Dance". This was a great performance because when he started to play the drum, …show more content…

He was the only one of the musicians played guitar today. I am really enjoy this performance because when he started to play this song, it reminded me about the song that I used to played in High school named "Romanza". In this song, the rhythm is soft and smooth. I think Rick Flores is nailed it because, he played his song in a very emotional way. He really good at expressing his feeling through the song with his lovely happy tones, rhythm, chords and melody. The fourth piece was perform by Eric Schultz. It was really nice, it was a vibes and electronics vibes. This song is contained different types of rhythm, tones and it goes from Forte to Vivace and ended up with Presto. This song had a fast beat from low B to high B which performed by the end of the song. However, this song is contained its special technique by the electronics and the vibe from the

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