
Group Home Ethnography

Decent Essays

For my ethnography project I chose to study the life at my parent’s group home located in Hudson, WI. For the paper I will refer to the group homes as living well one and two. Also I will not give out residents name in this essay for confidentiality reasons. The main focus of this ethnography is to compare the norms at both group homes and also to observe the setting the residents and the live in faculty is. Within this essay there will also be two interviews one from the owner and one from a resident. Going back to both homes was weird because usually I work there but this time I was just observing.
The purpose for each of these group homes is to cater to the elderly who needs help that they do not have from their family. I asked one of the …show more content…

Within, this home there is two female residents and one male resident each of the residents are in there late 60’s or 70’s; the live in caretaker is also a female. This home is aimed for elderly adults with disabilities. Like stated earlier this is a three bedroom house it is two levels within the house is the living room, kitchen and outside is the patio and garage. Furthermore, each resident has their own bed, television, desk area, closet and more. Each resident is allowed to decorate their room as they please. For example one resident has a rocking chair, pictures, antiques, and Green Bay Packer gear all over her room while the other resident’s room are just plain with some picture hung up here and there. Also, the house is wheelchair accessible since one patient is handicap. This home also has different procedures for fire drills just in case anything happens its three different escape doors.
Living well two is the same set up it is just a bit more spacious since it has less residents. This home has to residents, who are males in their late 20’s also, each of them has a job one works at a factory packing things and the other one works at the gas station. Living well two has the set up with the rooms with the bed, television, desk, and the boys also has a game station within their room where they go to take a break and just relax. Likewise, this home also …show more content…

By the same token, each home felt different because it was different residents and also because one home had more residents than the other. Moreover, I noticed each resident had a different schedule I paid attention to one patient in particular at living well one she would wake up each morning at 8:00 each morning for her meds, have her coffee, go outside to smoke, then come in watch the news and take a nap this was her daily schedule and on days when it was warm she would take a daily walk around the block for fresh air her schedule never changed. I also watched the resident closely at living well two as well his schedule would be waking up at 8:00 am getting ready for work and then he would come home around 5pm have dinner then go in this room and play his same. One thing all the residents had in common was there eating schedule and it was 8AM breakfast, 10AM snack, 12PM lunch, 2PM snack, 5PM lunch, 8PM snack each resident would follow this schedule routinely everyday but I did notice that when cooking the caretaker had to pay close attention to the labels of food and to what they would give the residents because some residents had allergies or their doctor would not let them have certain food because it was bad for them and their health. Another, schedule that they followed was for the shower and also there washing day and this was at each home everybody would get two days out

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