To be successful at anything in life one needs to have and maintain a proper mindset. By applying the Grit and Growth mindset this year at school, I feel that I can achieve whatever I set my mind and dedication to. To achieve the maximum results with this type of mindset, I need to move out of my comfort zone. Some people say I think I can while others say I know I can. The funny thing is both people are usually right! This year my mindset is I know I can.
I am going to apply this mindset by not procrastinating and trying harder. I will need to have discipline and I will need to push through it no matter how much I don’t want to. I will need to set boundaries and not break those boundaries. All my life I have been taught to persevere and work through it but now I must do it completely not half way. Doing what I need to do and getting it done and striving actually feels really good and I need to get back to using that mindset.
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Lately I haven’t been pushing myself and doing what I say I am going to do. This year with a Grit and Growth mindset, I will achieve what I set out to accomplish. I find that if I have this mindset I am happier, get more done and stress less. I think using this mindset might even be healthier too! I have used this mindset in the past and it has proven to really work for
In this world we have people who are successful and others, who aren’t. But what's make them different from each other? What if I should tell you, that you can be successful by just changing your mind? I don’t mean by just thinking positive, I mean changing the way of viewing thing into a growth mindset. Don't know what a growth mindset is, well you should read a book that will change your way of thinking to become a better you and even successful. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck, explains how there are two different types of mindset. These mindset plays a big role on who’s successful and why. It is not rocket science, the book just explain to us on thing we might have never thought about and bring it to better light. This book can change everything for you.
Zucker emphasizes, “If you catch yourself in a fixed mindset, you can simply decide to change it.” (17). This is a very important ingredient for success because you can not become successful without taking risks, which one can not do without a growth mindset. Overall, having a good mindset is very important to success. The second ingredient to success is setting good goals.
Over the summer, I read a book titled, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Convey. The seven habits described in this book were being proactive, Beginning with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand, then to be understood; synergize, and sharpen the saw. The first habit Being proactive means not to make choices on impulse. it means to evaluate the situation before making a desicion. for example, two years ago when i had friends that talked behind my back i just moved on and found better friends rather than be mean to them or excluding them out of my way. The second habit Beginning with the end in mind means to think ahead at what your goals are and start working towards them. My goal for the eight grade year was to recieve a 95% or higher score in all of my classes. in order to realize this goal i worked hard through the year on assignments and and sometimes did more than what was expected of me during projects. in the end, though,
I am intrigued by Angela Duckworth’s ideology about GRIT and the notion of the growth mindset. I strongly agree with her belief that anyone can be successful if they work hard with passion and perseverance. Practice and a strong work ethic can always make a person better. Furthermore, I view it as an investment of your time and effort that you put aside for yourself to make your dreams a reality. I am a firm believer that everyone has the ability to achieve success if you put your mind and your heart to it. With passion, motivation and determination, you can always improve your situation and get further than you were before. You can always progress.
This summer, I read Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset: The Psychology of Success. Dweck’s work, identifies fixed and growth mindsets. She also explains how mindsets can be reprogrammed.
The three factors that I would attribute my success thus far to are my grit, mindset, and work-ethics. My grit attributes to me not wanting or allowing myself to fail by letting me do everything humanly possible to succeed. My mindset allow me to stay focus and achieve my goals and not be shaken by any doubt. My work-ethics is my resolve and, it allows to hold more doubts in my work which in turn strengthen my firm mindset. Both, my mindset and work-ethics gives me a reason to have grit to stay determined on my path to becoming an excellent student and achieve my college and career goals.
In his book The Element, Ken Robinson claims that you should never give up on what you love even with the circumstances given. He shows that in order to have luck in life or to be considered a lucky person you, have to have a positive attitude. Robinson also shows us that you need to have potential to look at situations differently. Furthermore, he tells us that you need to overcome challenges and never give up on what you love. Similarly, in her book Mindset, Carol Dweck claims that in order to be successful you have to believe that a simple mindset can change your behavior and beliefs. Dweck says that human skills can grown through effort when you challenge yourself. Having a growth mindset encourages learning and effort. Dweck also says
The West Virginia Black Bears baseball team had another loss recently, before a home crowd of 1,414. Manager Wyatt Toregas was quoted saying "The thing that's holding us back is our mindset, I don't think our mindset was very good today”. “We are going to address that, and we are going to see a different type of mindset and effort level and an urge to get the job done" (Murray, 2015). It is not disputed that frame of mind is an important factor in succeeding in sports, business or life, but what would it take to change the mindset of the masses from a fixed to a growth in the United States and would we see a reduction in crime and other social problems? The fixed mindset has been taught in many facets across
After learning about growth mindset, I realized perseverance alone is not all it’s lauded to be. For instance, I could try to learn multivariable calculus ad infinitum, but if I don’t believe I can, I never will. In that sense, perseverance is useless alone, but if you match it with the right mindset and some conviction, you’re playing with the tools for success. To me this isn’t just a mindset but also a way of life and a part of my identity. I believe I can learn anything I engage myself with, and this opens my mind to learning far beyond the bare minimum, where the richest knowledge and greatest minds
Goals, dreams, and commitments, all have one thing in common, they need to have the right mindset to be accomplished. The definition of mindset used by many professors and is stated as, “A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses and interpretations of situations.” Mindset isn't fixed though; even though most people associate the word ‘fixed’ when referring to mindset. The “growth mindset” argues this definition used by the majority of people. The growth mindset is a “simple idea” articulated by, Stanford University psychologist, Carol Dweck. She researched the idea of achievement and success; a simplified concept that allowed her to come across this philosophy.
Carol’s research showed that “students’ mindsets- how they perceive their abilities- played a key role in their motivation and achievement.” That is, the students with a growth mindset outperformed those who believed their intelligence was fixed. Success depends a lot on how a person and can adapt to changes and since
Yes. I do believe that growth mindset will guide me to have a smooth pathway to success. Having a growth mindset is when you think more than the things that you are capable to do, and accepting that sometimes you need to fail to succeed. That is why it is called “growth mindset” because not only our bodies grow but our way of thinking should also grow and improve.
Perseverance and passion for long term goals are attributes that many believe are needed to be successful in life endeavours. When these two are put together, they form the word grit. Grit has gained steam, recently, as something we all need to forage ahead when presented with unforeseen problems in life. Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews, and Kelly (2007, as cited in Duckworth & Quinn, 2009) define grit as “trait level perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” Duckworth and Quinn’s (2007, as cited in Duckworth & Quinn, 2009) research on grit consisted of studying two West Point classes, a spelling bee, and a class of Ivy League undergraduate’s consistency of interest and perseverance of effort. From the data gained in the study, the Grit-S scale was created as a predictor to measure possible academic achievement (Duckworth & Quinn, 2007, as cited in Duckworth & Quinn, 2009).
By having a fixed mindset, I didn’t know where to begin or even try to succeed. Then I decided to change upon myself and to start shooting for a goal. Thus, making me more successful in the long run when I actually did all my homeworks and assignments and helping me ace the test. To sum this up, I believe that if you keep your mind to a goal and working to maintain it, you can achieve
I would highly recommend that students read this book. Dr. Dweck’s book would be beneficial to anyone. Everyone has some aspect of their life in which they have a fixed mindset and might not realize it. Some people are not aware of their fixed mindset and this book could help them realize it.