
Greenhouse Gases Persuasive Speech

Decent Essays

Brandon Spooner
Period 4
EA2 Arg. Essay

How would you feel if you lost your home to floods or extreme weather? Well this might be the future of our planet if we continue emitting greenhouse gases carelessly. We should limit our greenhouse gas emissions in order to save human lives and prevent climate change.

One clear benefit of limiting greenhouse gases is that by limiting the emissions we would save thousands of lives around the world. According to the article “Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions Could Prevent Premature Deaths” by LiveScience “researchers found that aggressively reducing greenhouse gas emissions could help prevent 300,000 to 700,000 premature deaths by the year 2030,” and “3 million by 2050.” And these are just …show more content…

For example, according to ScienceDaily “2015 was the hottest year on record,” which it took the title from 2014 and by estimates 2016 will be even hotter. And plus, the sun is producing less Solar Energy than usual which means we should be going through a period of cooling not warming. This is caused by greenhouse gases capturing heat from the sun, and where did these extra gases come from? Our cars, businesses and homes. And because of this drought like conditions will last longer and ice will melt. This is why people like you and me need to take a stand against climate change to save our planet before it …show more content…

Without farmland starvation will be more widespread and children won’t grow properly because they won’t get the nutrients they need. The lack of good land to grow crops wouldn’t just affect humans, it would affect animals as well. Most farm animals depend on food that is grown on the farm and fertile land without farms could be valuable feeding grounds for millions of animals. So next time you drive by a farm think about how one day the farm might shut down because of what we have done.

Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, we have been digging hole that we are burying ourselves in. Help prevent this from happening by limiting your own carbon footprint so your children and grandchildren don’t have to worry about a problem we forced upon them to

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