Green Lake County Board Meeting For my community meeting assignment, I attended a Green Lake County Board meeting. I have never attended a County Board meeting before and I found it to be quite interesting. I found this meeting posted on the Green Lake County website and that is where I pulled the agenda from to take to the meeting. The meeting was about one and a half hours long.
Issues/Needs Managed The issues and needs discussed were all listed on the agenda and the leaders went through every resolution, department reports, and ordinances. I understood that for the resolutions there were members that signed the resolution and then it got voted on during the meeting. They voted with a keypad device and the public could see who voted
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I did not see a whole lot of rebuttal happening in the meeting, but as soon as the members voted the audience could see the results on the screen. Often there were a few members who disagreed with the majority vote. The majority vote then decided what the decision for that topic would be. Even if a member who did not agree, and was trying to state their point, majority still ruled in the case.
Social Work Competency 3 Social work competency 3 includes advancing human rights, and social, economic and environmental justice. This meeting is an opportunity for public county residents to attend in order to discuss a concern they are having. If there was an environmental concern in Green Lake County that was having negative effects on vulnerable populations, this meeting is where it could be brought up at. To help advance human rights, the funded programs like UW-Extension are an awesome resource for residents of Green Lake County. The program offers opportunities to advance well-being.
Meeting Agenda The meeting agenda included a call to order, roll call, reading of the call, pledge of allegiance, some recognition of county members for service, announcements, and a time for public comment. This happened all within the first twenty minutes of the beginning of the meeting. Then the meeting switched over into having a few appearances, talking about department reports, resolutions in the county, ordinances, annual
First, on the agenda was that the county manager asked for the board's approval to add approval for bids on the Soil & Water Conservation District Storm Maintenance/Stream Debris Removal, Transit
The meeting agenda included the topics that were going to be discussed which made the meeting more structured. To start off the meeting, they called the meeting, announced the time and date, took roll call, and then everyone stood up and said the pledge of allegiance. There was a Personal Appearance from Jim Haddock and he first had to state his full name and address. He thanked the city council board for the bills, as he
The meeting had preplanned agendas concerning the planning staff and services to citizens. The types of services are residential, commercial, and industrial land use development ordinances. The meeting opened with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, call to order, determination of a quorum, to ensure all board members are present and adoption of minutes. The Chairman, Mr. Keith Williams, was the moderator and he was very polite and efficient, by giving citizens and local official the opportunity to speak. The atmosphere was very static, because there were great number of residents there awaiting their chance to speak about a certain zoning agenda (City of Gulfport,
An agenda was provided at the beginning of the meeting. There were seven items on the agenda. They were the Call to Order, Approval of Meeting Minutes from February 6th, 2015, the Treasurer’s Report, Fundraising Report, Program Updates, Environmental Stewardship Updates, any New
The meeting I attended did offer an agenda but did not name a chairperson. When the call to order was issued, there was
They also had a scripted method of discussing topics brought before the council. First the mayor would call an individual to the podium. This person would be the speaker that came for the
During this time, meetings were
Meetings management involves a variety of different activities. Before a meeting has begun the office administrator should make sure that he/she has booked a room for the meeting and that it is in accessible location so that it allows access for anyone who is disabled and it complies with all current government legislation. The secretary should make sure that all the equipment is already set up in the room and check it is in good working order. For example: a computer and a projector if there are going to be presentations of any kind. There should also be sufficient refreshment available. An agenda which contain: Apologies, minutes of the previous meeting, matters arising, any other business and the date of the next meeting. This is sent to all attendees of the meetings in advance so they know what is being discussed.*
The information from our meeting was provided to our leadership team via email. This was the responsibility of the team, along with the minutes (chart minutes 1F) from the meeting. See email 1E.
The Hallsville Independent School District board meeting was very conductive. An agenda was handed out to everyone present, and it had every point to be made at the meeting neat and organized for everyone to follow. The meeting is mostly open to the public which provides a great way for everyone to feel up to date with what is going on in the school district, and be able to help in any way they can when problems arise. Once the superintendent had finished speaking about who was being recognized, the updated itinerary, and the HISD Education Foundation Report, he closed the meeting from the public. School board meetings benefit the community by letting the people not associated with a job through the school know what is going on in the district.
Minutes of meetings have the agenda, who has attended, absences and apologises then there will be the content of what was said in the meeting.
meetings to debate issues before making a final decision. In handling routine tasks, he was
Following the portion of the meeting where the public could bring things to the table, the Council continued with its agenda. Multiple departments came and gave reports on what they were doing and their progress. Including
Chairperson Statement on expected conduct and decorum at Commission Meetings. The Board of Fire Commissioners welcomes you. The Board will operate with transparency and will properly post public notice and agenda for our meetings. The goal is to restore the public trust in this Board and its work. As Chair of this Board, I will run the meetings with decorum and respect, following Roberts Rules of Order. Doing so will allow everyone to be heard and for this Board to make decisions with both public and internal discussion and without confusion. Citizens comments are a part of the agenda and the District welcome it. The District asks that you identify yourself, that you keep your comments to two minutes, and that you be courteous and
Each had a Veto. (Permission to stop Council acting even if all members agreed. Main idea was to sort out problems through discussion. If this didn’t work: