
Greek Heroes Research Paper

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A hero is a man to be admired. Every civilization throughout history has always had a hero. The model of a hero has always changed throughout history. A hero essentially embodies the valued characteristics of a society. In ancient Greece, the Greeks had heroes who embodies the morals and values that are significant to their culture. Ancient Greeks had two kinds of heroes that are reflective of their culture. The first type of hero is an Epic hero, who is a brave and honorable character. An epic hero is usually feature in an epic poem, which is a lengthy narrative poem that details the heroic deeds of the hero. Examples of epic heroes can be seen in Homers epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey. The central figures of the poems Achilles and Odysseus …show more content…

The Iliad and the Odyssey are believed to be written down around 800-700 BC. Before then, the stories were told orally. The poem the Iliad tells the story of Achilles, his anger, and his slaying of the Trojan Hero Hector. The poem the Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus, and his decade long journey back home after spending ten years in the Trojan war that lasted a decade. Though the events of the Iliad took place during the Greek Bronze age, the culture portrayed is mirrored after the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages, dated around 1000-800 BC, was a result of the fall of the Mycenaean civilization which is dated between 1600-1000 BC. The cause of the decline of the Mycenaean civilization is unknown, but the fall of the society caused social instability, creating a need for protection. This created a society that relied heavily on the warrior class. During the Dark Ages, the warrior class are considered the ruling class. In order for a man to lead, he has to demonstrate his ability as a warrior through his strengths and intelligence. These characteristics are reflected in both Homers poem, in which the main characters Achilles and Odysseus are both

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