
Greek Era

Decent Essays

Throughout human history,different time eras have been captured with a defining theme.History conveys what we know as America now the home of the free.The Greek Empire,Judeo-Christian teachings,and British history are all vital,But how did we obtain such...well success? Firstly there were Athenians the crucible of civilization the beginning of culture.Athens was the first city-state in the era along came Persia,Sparta and numerous other greek empires.Of the greek philosophers was Socrates a man who’s wisdom became world wide even after death.He preached to Plato who then passed his knowledge to Aristotle.HIstory would be profoundly different without the method of question,answer,and reasoning.Autocracy was developed based off of his reasoning.Cleisthenes was another philosopher that showed content towards his people.As a matter of fact pisistratus introduced free loans in 514 B.C.The tyrant Hippias slid near madness and stripped away all freedoms towards his kingdom of people. The Roman Republic soon operated quite complexly in those years.There was a variety of

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