
Greek Cultural Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Cultural Analysis of the Country of Greece
The country of Greece has historically been the standard to which all other countries advanced their respective countries. Greek philosophy is routinely taught at all levels of the educational system. Ancient Greek government was the epitome of a true democratic establishment. The country of Greece has stood at the forefront of historical events throughout time. Greece has kept true to their history, even though the advancements in the world around them have adapted and changed.
Political Influence
Greece’s government has been a democratic government since the creation of its government around 460 BCE. The hardest struggle noticed during the early formative years of government was deciding who should lead, and how they should lead. [1] The Greeks experimented with a diverse variety of government styles, from single individuals to a select group of individuals, or every male citizen of the time. A democracy form of government was thought to be the Greek’s greatest contribution to society. The current makeup of the Greece government returned to its origins, as the Parliamentary Republic, in 1974 after a period of a militarily run government. Greece’s government now holds elections every four years for positions …show more content…

Greek males who are 19 years of age or older are required to serve one (1) year of compulsory military service. Since the formation of military service, Greece was the standard bearers in military tactics and abilities. Greece lead from the forefront of technological advances of the time. As time and advancements in western technology and military weaponry, Greece struggled to stay up to date with their fellow countries. Since 1975, when Greece returned to a normalized government, the Greece military has stayed up to date with current military

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