
Greek Community Research Paper

Decent Essays

1. Why did I choose to join the Greek community?

Thorough out my high school career I was extremely involved on campus. Whether it was community service, philanthropy, or even just a club for fun I would always do my best to stay/get involved with any organization on campus. That is one of the main reason I choose to become a member of the Greek community. Being able to stay involved and continue to make my community better place through the Greek community has and will continue to be a driving factor in my life.

2. What is “success” to me?

Success to me is being able to leave behind something you feel proud of, and being able to gain valuable experience in the process. Whether you are leaving something for the day or leaving something …show more content…

Through my experiences with philanthropic work I realize the commitment it takes. I also understand the outcome and the feeling you get knowing you have been a part of something bigger than yourself. Growing up in a small town I have grown accustomed to the idea of helping others. Every year my hometown puts together a philanthropy event called DUCK Week. DUCK Week stands for Doing Unselfish Charities for Kids. It is a weeklong philanthropy event where we as a community come together and help a family in need. DUCK Week started when I was in kindergarten and has grown as I have progressed through school. When I reached my first year in high school I was really able to participate the most in DUCK Week. I was involved in several committees including finance and technology. Being a part of these committees allowed me to get in on the ground floor and assist with the moths of planning that went into DUCK Week. When I reached my senior year I was defiantly able to look back and be proud of the work we had done. At our peak we were able to raise $170,000. Philanthropy is something I have first hand experience with and I know how much the outcome can help people. That I why I fell I best fit into the

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