
Greed In The Arabian Nights

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The consumption of greed
The First story I decided to focus my analysis on is “The Arabian Nights” also referred to as “A Thousand and One Nights” by an unknown author. This story begins with the sultan shahrayar and his wife. When shahrayar finds out his wife is unfaithful he kills her and vows to Mary a new woman every night prior to killing her every morning to avoid betrayal. His vizier’s daughter, Scheherazade comes up with a plan to stop shahrayar. She marries him and tells him a story that night. Although, she doesn’t finish it so he will be eager to hear the rest the next night. The next night comes and she finishes the story and starts another. She tells story’s such as “The Story of the Merchant and the Demon”, “The first old man’s …show more content…

Imagery is the formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively. In the story “The Arabian Nights” there wasn’t much imagery because the style of writing in the collection of short stories seems to include more dialect rather than imagery. However, in the story “In a Grove” the imagery that stood out was the way the weapons showed greed. An expression of this was the testimony of the policeman when he caught Tajomour. He stated “You say that this bow and these arrows look like the ones owned by the dead man? Then Tajomour must be the murderer.” (Akutagawa,1922). This quote shows us that Tajomour was greedy for those weapons resulting in him killing an innocent man to get them. comparable to imagery is the characters in these two stories actions towards the greed they feel. The action that lead to greed in “The Arabian Nights” was expressed when the king felt compelled to let Shahrazad live. The king thought to his self “I will spare her until I hear the rest of the story; then I will have her put to death the next day.” (unknown, 23). The king is so greedy to hear the next section of the story he is willing to go against his rules and extend her execution.
Cohesive with this story Takehiko also shows the same greed that the king shows in the story “in a grove” with this expression in his confessional. He expressed “I went on to tell them id buried the things in a grove behind the mountain, and that I’d like to sell them at a low price to anyone who would come to have them . . . you see, isn’t greed terrible? He was beginning to be moved by my talk before he knew it.” (Akutagawa ,1922). This shows how Takehiko let his greed for the treasure at a lower price lure him into his own

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