
Greed In Mcteague

Good Essays

Greed The importanceof life is blinded by greed. We all know that money makes the world go round, but sometimes people can take it too far. People start to become obsessed with acquiring money and forget what really matters in life, like family and friends. The idea of money starts to overpower them and one cannot do anything to stop it. In the end, being greedy does not help anyone, it does not even help yourself. Greed is a very horrible trait to possess. In McTeague by Frank Norris, the main character McTeague and his wife Trina portray this role very well. McTeague began his life with nothing and then opened up a Dental Parlor and started to make a living. McTeague meets Trina when his only friend, Marcus, brings her in for an appointment. He immediately falls in love with her. While she waits for McTeague, Trina decides to buy a lottery ticket. While McTeague and Trina begin to form their …show more content…

She began to manipulate McTeague into thinking that they were in an equal partnership by lying to him. Her actions allowed “her quality of life to deteriorate” (McTeague). Trina stopped paying attention to reality and what was going on around her and began to hoard her wealth. “Norris presents a particularly disgusting scene where Trina, after polishing her gold coins, rubs them on her face and relishes their feel and smell” (Hicks). She becomes so willingly to do anything for McTeague as long as he does not ask her for money. This method did not work very long. McTeague started to feel as if he were a stranger to Trina. Trina would not provide the necessities for her family which led McTeague to turn to alcohol. He would get drunk very often because he was unhappy with his marriage and that was his only way to escape it. He finally became so fed up with Trina and her ways that he beats and eventually murders Trina, taking away the rest of her money. He did all of this for

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