Chem Matters to Us: Diamonds
Thesis: The extremely strong chemical structure of diamonds contributes to its unique chemical and physical properties, which allow diamonds to be used for a variety of practical applications.
Topic Question:
What is the chemical structure of diamond?
carbon atom typically has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in its nucleus, as well as six electrons in surrounding orbitals
The electron shell configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s2 2p2.
Carbon has a valence shell with four electrons to achieve stability, four electrons must be accepted to fill the 2p orbital
Diamond is made up of repeating units of carbon atoms joined to four other carbon atoms by a covalent bond
Each carbon atom covalently
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derives from greek word adamao meaning I tame or I subdue the word adamas means hardest steel or hardest substance the rock in which diamonds are found is estimated to be between 50 and 1600 million years the diamond itself is estimated to be 3.3 billion years old
The two different values is because the volcanic magma that solidifies into rock where diamonds are found did not create them
It only transported the diamonds from the Earth's mantle to the surface therefore estimating the time period can be difficult
What are the types of diamonds? natural diamonds are the result of carbon exposed to heat and pressure deep in the earth la- is the most common and contains 0.3% nitrogen lb- very rare found naturally, however nearly all synthetic industrial diamonds are lb, which contain up to 500 ppm nitrogen lla- rare in nature, contains so little nitrogen it isn’t detected llb- very rare in nature, contain even less nitrogen than lla, however is a semiconductor synthetic industrial diamonds are produced in a process called high pressure high temperature synthesis during this process graphite and a metallic catalyst are placed in a hydraulic press under high temperatures and
2. The carbon atom has four electrons in its outer shells, its electrons will readily form a covalent bond, it will readily bond with other carbon atoms, and will also share more than one electron with other atoms are three characteristics of the carbon atom that are important in forming organic compounds.
Diamond Chemicals is a leading producer of polypropylene, the polymer used in a variety of products (ranging from medical products to packaging film, carpet fibers, and automotive components) and is known for its strength and elasticity.
Diamond is one of the most expensive gemstones. It is rare and it has difficult ways to extract. Diamond has been discoverd from thousands of years, it is the result of exposure carbon to heat under the ground over onethousand and fourhandred dgrees, and this is how diamonds are shaped. In this essay I will write , explain and compare between the four article about purpose and audence.
Since the brilliant stones was found more than 100,000 jewels have been recuperated from the site now known as Crater of Diamonds State Park. The normal size of the diamond is around .21 carat.
Although the luminescence ages appear somewhat younger than the radiocarbon-based age estimates for the two eruptive phases, the 2-sigma ranges of the dates indicate that they are consistent (Figure 8). Because they are from the same geological context, the two luminescence ages for the C3 basalt flow associated with the initial eruptive phase can be statistically combined using the OxCal v. 4.2 program (Ramsey, 2009) to reduce the standard error, resulting in a luminescence age estimate of 12,720 ± 610 yr (Figure 8). The 2-sigma range of this combined luminescence age falls within the 2-sigma radiocarbon-based age range estimate of 13,560–13,330 cal yr BP. Likewise, the two luminescence ages of 10,250 ± 805 yr and 10,420 ± 765 yr associated with the second, phreatomagmatic eruptive phase overlap with the 2-sigma radiocarbon-based age estimate of 12,160–11,720 cal yr BP. The luminescence sample associated with Zuni Salt Lake lacustrine highstand deposits at profile 13-5, which must post-date the phreatomagmatic eruption based on stratigraphic relationships, produced an age of 10,935 ± 980 yr, in better agreement with the radiocarbon evidence associated with the second eruptive phase. It is possible that we underestimated the soil moisture associated with the UIC-3476 and -3421 luminescence samples, which could explain why the two luminescence-based maar eruption ages are
d) Synthetic diamond is not a mineral. In order for an object to be a mineral, it must be naturally occurring, inorganic, solid, have orderly crystalline structures, and definite chemical compositions. Synthetic diamond isn’t classified by a mineral because it is human
A more significant threat for the company has been the rise of the synthetic diamond market where essentially real diamonds are manufactured within plants and don’t have to undergo millions of years of formation underground in addition to grueling extraction processes. These diamonds possess a lot of quality while being sold at a fraction of the prices of natural diamonds and have seen a rise in demand and in the total diamond market share. While DeBeers has played down the
The Crater of Diamonds sits on top of Prairie Creek, a volcanic vent. Diamonds can be found here because of an explosion of a release of gas had occurred. When the vent exploded about 100 million years ago, “it created an 83-acre funnel-shaped crater with sides sloping inward at about 45 degrees. Much of the airborne material formed by the initial explosion fell back into the vent. The speed of rise of the mass allowed the diamonds to be preserved in this material (“How are Diamonds Made”)”. John Wesley Huddleston bought land near Murfreesboro and discovered diamonds on his property in August of 1906. People from all over began to pour into Murfreesboro and eventually it boomed and prospered. Huddleston eventually sold the land for about $36,000 to the Arkansas Diamond Company.
Radiometric dating is still being used today. Modern uranium-lead radioactive dating of meteorites and earth materials gives us today's estimate that the earth is about 4.5 billion years
"Many experts declare the Kimberly Octahedron to be the world's largest yellow diamond. This diamond weighs 616 carats and was also found in South Africa, but in the Dutoitspan Mine. Regardless of which yellow diamond is actually the world's largest, these diamonds are a beautiful alternative to traditional white diamonds," Emily explains.
Different gemstones have both similar and unique properties, so it is essential to understand the contrasting ways natural gemstones form in order to successfully cut them later. Gemstones form with concrete mineral systems which affect the way they grow and the way gem cutters can cut them. All gemstones have a set crystalline structure, chemical formula, and a regular three dimensional arrangement of atoms (Smigel). Nearly all gemstones form within the Earth’s crust, spare peridots and diamonds which form in the mantle (Smigel). The lower surface of the crust is cracked and fractured in many places which allows fluids like magma, which are rich in nutrients and rare chemical elements, to pass through, making the crust the ideal place for gemstones to form. Small fragments of gemstones tend to be found scattered fairly sparsely throughout large bodies of rocks, or growing in small cavities in the Earth’s crust (“Natural Gemstones- Geologic Environment”). In order for gemstones to form, the perfect combination of temperature, pressure, space, chemical elements, and time must occur. Gemstones typically form in igneous rocks, but sedimentary and metamorphic can also contain gem minerals (“Natural Gemstones- Geologic Environment”). In nature, gemstones form in one of four ways: from solutions via precipitation or dissolution, melting/crystallization, vapor condensation, and extreme environmental changes
The diagram above shows the structure of carbon 14. Carbon-14 has six protons in the nucleus and six neutrons, giving carbon-14 an atomic mass of 12. It also has an extra two neutrons which makes the total eight neutrons. Carbon 14 also has two shells, shell one consist of two electrons and shell two contains four electrons. This makes Carbon-14 a radioactive atom as it is unstable.
With the fact the Diamonds are made by the rock cycle then it affects where we can find them. We can see this from the fact that certain areas in the world have certain attributes that let diamonds be able to form. Crain found that diamonds may be spat out in the volcanic smoke that is released during an eruption. We can find them with the gravel that came out as well with the volcanic
Close to 49% of diamonds are coming from Central and Southern Africa. Also sources of the mineral have been discovered in Canada, India, Russia, Brazil, and Australia. They are mined from kimberlitic and lamproite volcanic
The story of these infamous diamonds all started with a fifteen year old who found a diamond in his father 's arm. The diamond business started in 1935 when “De Beers” took all control over dining prospects in Sierra Leone. De Beers are a group of companies has a main role in the exploration of diamonds, as well as diamond mining, diamond retail, diamond trading, and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors.This group was founded in 1888, and they are responsible for the problems Sierra Leone is facing today. These diamonds can be found in volcanic pipes. Diamonds are a pure form of carbon in a transparent state. Diamonds have always been a sign of wealth. Historically kings and queens were known for wearing these. Over time many people began lusting over them.