
Granddaddy Research Paper

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When Granddaddy and I were staying in Kisumu in western Kenya, we were close to the shoreline of huge Lake Victoria. One Sunday, we rode in a cab to Kiboko Bay, where our driver convinced a local fisherman to take us birding out on the lake. The man’s boat was wooden with a tin roof and peeling paint. Also, it had a pitiful, stinky, noisy outboard motor that surely drove some birds away. The fumes from the motor almost made me sick, but I’m glad we didn’t go right back. As we glided along the rocky shoreline, we saw people bathing and doing their laundry in the lake, pulling up water hyacinths to find fish they could eat, and watching us go by. We waved and some of them waved back. While we saw many interesting birds (ask Grandddaddy about

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