
Graduation Speech : My Second Grade

Decent Essays

I started writing my first real essay in the Eighth grade, and I never knew why I was given such an awful task. I am a terrible English/Writing scholar and I never could comprehend the concept of writing. I put a lot of work and heart into my first essay, but that still didn’t get me the grade that I wanted. Needless to say I got a “D” on the essay. I was extremely disappointed in the grade I made and I wanted to reject writing all together, but that is not the kind of scholar I am, so I began my journey during my Eighth grade year to become a better writer. I had many academic goals that year, but my main goal was to excel on the English state writing test at the end of the year. The test would determine if I moved on to ninth grade English or if I would get placed in a pre-high school English program. To achieve my goals I knew that I was going to have to work hard not only on developing the papers I write, but also making sure they are grammatically correct, interesting, and that each story or essay gets the main point across as well. By the age of thirteen I probably should have been able to spell words correctly, but spelling was a luxury I did not have. Spelling is an extremely hard activity for someone who has dyslexia and, unfortunately, I was one of those people diagnosed with dyslexia. I decided that I was not going to let my minor complication get in the way of my goal of becoming a decent writing scholar. Over time, I figured out a few methods to help me cope

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