Be ready because 7th grade is going to be a wild ride! Be ready for tests, projects, and assignments galore! And on those assignments, just read them. I know, I know, everyone just skips to the questions and looks for the answers in the passage but in 7th grade it’s just better to read it. The teachers know, its like they have a 6th sense! As far as the cafeteria, the food is probably going to be the same, so just plug your nose and maybe the food will go down without a fight! When you’re going to gym, RUN! Well, don’t actually run, you might get in trouble and I would be to blame, but, seriously walk as fast as you can. You need to be there before anyone else so that you can change in a shower stall and be done with it. Adding to that, BRING …show more content…
Now it is completely acceptable to take a different route to your class in order to talk to your friends and tell them about your day so far, but please do not stop in the middle of the hallway! Sincerely, everyone in Lake Placid Middle. Stopping in the middle of the halls will result in anyone and everyone surrounding you to be annoyed. Finally, what seems as if it matters the most, social life. Notice the use of the word “seems”, social life is not the most important thing! If you’re focused on your grades and everyone else is worried about the opinion of others, who is really going to be more successful? Well, if that rhetoric question didn’t quite click, it’s obviously going to be you! People are going to try and get in your head all throughout your life, 7th grade is no different. If you’re concentrated on attaining your goals, the petty people trying to bring you down should mean nothing. Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you respond to it. All in all, focus on schoolwork, be yourself, read your assignments, and don’t stop in the middle of the hallway! 7th grade might be a tiny bit difficult but if you try to follow the advice given, it could make it that much
The first day of seventh grade can be pretty terrifying. It can be scary meeting new people on the first day. A story called 7th grade is a story about the first day. “7th Grade” is a story about a boy named Victor on his first day. He has a crush on a girl named Theresa so, talking to her can make Victor nervous.
Now that I have you stressing about getting good grades, it is important to know what to stress about and what not to stress about. Don’t stress about upperclassmen bullying you because they won’t, but as a side note I suggest not annoying them. Another thing you shouldn’t worry about is having your friends in the same class as you. Yes it is nice to have your friends in your class, but you will make new friends.
Hi, seventh grade. You have made it pretty far in school, as in moving up a grade. Now you probably seem really good in school to learning all the tricks to pass a grade. These ways are either legal or illegal in school, they might result in a Conduct Referral or even a suspension, but I hope that you guys never go through that. Now that I’m on my way to high school, and learned a lot in seventh grade, I will help you and hope you guys will take in consideration some advice that’s needed to pass 8th grade in a breeze.
The two and a half months of summer ended and I was ready to start 8th grade. I was excited and I found out I was in the same pod with my best friend. I felt confident as I walked into room B5 and greeted Mr. Gill. The year started great and I knew my way to all my classes. I studied a lot more in 8th grade. Nearly every test I studied. And by the end of the marking period I had all A’s and B’s. I brought my lunch from home more often and I participate more in class.
This seventh grade year I was worried. The first thing I was worried about going into seventh grade was, I thought I wouldn´t have any of my friends in my classes. If I didn't have any friends in my classes I wouldn't have anybody to talk to when we have free time to talk at the end of the period and I don't want to sit there and do nothing. The second thing I was worried about going into seventh grade was, I thought I was going to go into the wrong class rooms. Last year I went into the wrong class rooms and I got embarrassed. The third thing I was worried about going into seventh grade was, I thought my classmates and me we're going to have a lot of homework. A couple years ago me and my classmates had a lot of homework for math I was up till like nine o´clock. The fourth thing I was worried about going into seventh grade was, I thought I was going to have mean teachers. In fifth grade there was this teacher she yelled at everybody not one or two kids I mean everybody. The final thing I was worried about going into seventh grade was, I thought I was going to get bullied. Nobody ever knows when they are going to get bullied. One
I had numerous concerns about going into seventh grade grade. One thing I was worried about was that the work would get harder. Since we started the school year the work has been easy. In my classes we don't get a lot of homework. Mrs wallace states “ I don't believe in homework.” Many of my other teachers don't give me a lot of homework either. Another worry I had was the teachers would be mean. Some people say that Mrs. Newton would be mean, but she's not. She just has high expectations. Also all my other teachers have been nice and fun. Finally my last worry was football. I was scared I wouldn't start because all the kids came together on one team. Now that the season started I start on defense. Playing together is really fun. Therefore
One of the actions that helped me later in seventh grade was when I had study hall last year. It definitely helped me realize to set aside time for homework. Plus it showed me how to keep homework and school work in separate, prioritized sections in my life. Last year, with the electives that I had, I was able to make friends outside of sixth grade and when I went into seventh grade, I had people who had the same teachers from the year before help me with things I either couldn’t understand or needed advice for. Also, in that part of things, I talked to teachers that I didn't have earlier, but later in the school year and I got to know some of them. Which definitely helped me as a seventh grader, by knowing somewhat what to expect if I had them as my teachers.
First of all, one of the most important pieces of advice, in my opinion, is coming prepared to school. “Being that kid who always has to ask for pencils annoys everyone. It’s not bad to be prepared.” The kid that Is always asking for materials is usually one of the students that do not pay attention or does not bother coming to school to learn. If you do not have your materials you can fall back in assignments. Here in San Luis high school if we do not bring our computer (which is needed in almost all periods every day ) you most likely miss the notes or you are a day behind in essays, projects, documents, etc. A pencil and paper are also important because sometimes teachers decide to do something different and no one has the
Being a seventh grader must be great, but not that great until you realize it is the last day of school and in three months and,bang your back to school only now your in eighth grade. Only now the question is how do you survive and even thrive in this arduous environment? There are many ways to flourish and succeed, and if you want some advice tag along and read on to find out because the little things will go a long way.
It is a tough transition going from sixth grade to seventh grade, but I doubled the anxiety by starting a new school. I was very nervous at first, but knowing a few people I played rec softball with helped make the move a little bit easier. I made a lot of new friends who cared and helped me overcome the many obstacles I faced at Sylvania. New school, new challenges, and definitely stepping out of my comfort zone. After every challenge I faced, one important lesson that stuck out to me was to treat people the way you want to be treated. So when I see people getting bullied, I like to help them out because I know what it’s like to deal with something like this. We always need to be kind because we never know the situation someone is in,
When the seventh grade year started I had a lot of concerns.The reasons I had concerns are because the seventh grade seems a lot more difficult than the six grade.My older sibling told me that the seventh grade was tough but the first couple weeks of school was not that hard.I knew that was nothing compared when we are working on stuff in the middle of the year.The first week of school was rough.The thing is math is probably the hardest subject in all of my classes.The fears I had going into the seventh grade is for me not to flunk my classes.A couple other of my other worries are my friends in my classes some of friends are in my class some kids oh my football team but I don’t want to be mean but they aren’t my best friends but I consider
The first advice that I would give to the 7th graders are “Don’t get that much lunch detentions this year.” Why I would say that is because people get lunch detentions for multiple reasons. Some understandable and some that are silly. Teachers will give lunch detentions left and right to you or your friends if you don’t do the work or cooperate on class. In conclusion, next year when you go into 8th
Starting 7th grade in a secondary school can be a scary experience for any 12year old with an IEP. We feel as if we are not as smart like the rest of the kids, and others do not understand. When I started 7th grade at Robinson Secondary School I wondered how it would be.
7th grade is very difficult and very fun at the same time. It is filled with teacher that push you to your limits. Also, people expect more from you and you get less privileges than you should have. 7th grade is much different than I thought and very hectic. We have to do more homework for each class and we have less time to do it. It is also very dramatic because the girls are very annoying and take everything way too seriously.
The next day is the first day of second grade. I cannot wait to see my old classmates and meet my new teacher. When we get done eating breakfast, we give mom a hug good-bye then head to the bus stop. It does not feel right, only saying bye to one parent before going to school but my brother, Blake, just tells me that I better get used to it. The school day goes on as usual. I stay to myself a lot. I don’t need a ton of friends or to be the popular one; my only worry at the time is making good grades. All day I think to