
Grace Hopper's Accomplishments

Decent Essays

Grace Hopper is a exceptional scientist. Grace led a distinguished and unique life in specialized studies. Grace Hopper was born on December 9,1906 in New York City. She passed away on January 1,1992 in Arlington County. Which means that she died at the age of 85. She is the oldest among her siblings. In 1928, Grace graduated with her Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics. Both of these Majors were then unique for a woman to graduate with. Then, two years later, she had gotten her Master’s degree from Yale University. She joined the U.S. Navy force , to only become the oldest serving officer that was in service. This really showed her passion as the ‘Director of Navy Programming Languages Group’. In addition, Grace Hopper developed the first compiler for computer programming language. Throughout her life, all of her accomplishments had made her even more important than she was. For example, the website,The Famous People, says, “In 1969, Grace was awarded the first ‘Computer Science Man-of-the-Year award’ from ‘Data Processing Management Association.’” This shows how Grace was important …show more content…

She encouraged women to become involved and to be included in the computing world. This information is all noted from a conference, that was stated in “The Famous People”. She also had an early interest in engineering from a young age. This goes to show that if you want to learn and succeed, it doesn't matter your age, if you want to do it, you will. She got the opportunity to show others, especially woman, that all is important if your interest is sparked in a subject and that you can enjoy it. Grace also affected others lives while she was in the Navy, and from there become a senior mathematician. She accomplished many goals to programming system in the computer world. This connects to many younger kids that can look up to her and see her as their hero, for all she has done in her life of 85

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