
How Did Ida B Wells Contribute To The Civil Rights Movement

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Ida B. Wells
How would a person feel if they were not treated equal to everyone else just because of their appearance? Why were people mistreated and tortured for small things that were not even a problem or mistake? Ida B. Wells was an African American women who stuck up for her culture and her people because of how awful they were being treated by white people who felt they were superior to African Americans. Wells was persistent and went to extreme lengths to receive justice for her and her people to have more rights. Ida B. Wells deserves a place in history because she was an African American women who stopped some situations of mistreated
African American through her high education and writings, which led to a spark in civil rights.
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Without Wells the civil rights movement would be a mere imagination, because no one would have had the confidence to start the movement without her brave sharing of her belief in justice. Being a strong woman, Ida Wells showed everyone in her community that she could do anything and by doing that generations after her continued to work on civil rights and justice. Ida B. Wells worked hard to become a well known historical figure and she deserves to be a historical figure due to her large contribution to the civil rights movement and today’s justice for Africans Americans. Wells had a large amount of accomplishments that built her to be the well known figure she is today and this proves how hard she worked to make sure her beliefs were heard and taken action for.
What would a person do if their culture were being downgraded and tortured? Where would the civil rights movement be today if it were not have been for certain historical figures?
Ida B. Wells was a women who worked very hard to become the historic figure she is known as today. Wells is a women who fought for her justice not just for her, but for her culture and people who could not build enough courage to go to lengths to make sure they were heard.

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