
Government Censorship

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Should governments be allowed to censor information?
Censorship has always been a controversial topic. People will always want to know the truth. The more democratic a nation is the more information is available. In these cases governments will usually try to moderate what information is being circulated. By definition censorship is legally defined in Australia as “the official inspection of books, journals, theatre, film, music and popular media of many forms before release (prepublication) to ensure that they do not offend against legal proscriptions instituted by governments” (Moore, 2013). In this essay censorship will take a broader term in which it will also encompass instances of when governments try to provide incentives of getting rid of information, omitting or restricting access to it through other means. Many people experience censorship whether they know it or not and it is always debated if governments should be able to censor information. There are a lot of cases where censorship should be allowed and cases where it should not be. This essay will highlight instances and circumstances of when a government should be able to censor information.
Censorship should be allowed in cases that involve instances where it is to protect the public or the nation. Information that harms the security of a country should be protected and not made available to the public. Under this circumstance though the government should be ethical about the information they censor and the

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