In this report, researcher will be answering two different questions from the assignment. First, the researcher will discuss and suggest some feasible application considerations when developing a new product development strategy for Google Glass. The information which included will be elaborated and discuss with examples. Next question, researcher will illustrate how Google Glass better manage innovation within the organization to stay ahead of its competitor in the industry? The information in question related will be discussed and elaborated in paragraph form. For conclusion, the researcher will be made after the two questions completely done. Final conclusion will be conducted with ways to improve and ideas to put into Google …show more content…
There are six basic needs of customers for a new product; there are friendliness, understanding and empathy, fairness, control, options and alternatives, lastly information. Said by Rosa. (2013). All these steps can be identifying by using several methods such as investigation and survey. The survey that done can determine what actually does the customers or potential customers needs and what they actually wish to have in future in terms of the technology or the functionality of the new developing product. This product development strategy is to ensure customer understand all the functionalities of the new product (Google glass) before they purchasing it. It is helps in keeping the customers instead of other competitors. As a nutshell, it also will gain the profitable of the company because the customers are already well known from the product and it will help on boosting the sales of the new product. Ongoing Corporate Planning
In ongoing corporate planning consideration, it will help to set up future direction for the product. The most important consideration for Google glass are the technology and innovation set up. In now a day's technology, almost every individual own a smartphone or tablet in their lifestyle. Google Company needs to implement something better and interesting to attract more customers to purchase their new product. Technology and innovation need to be in the ongoing corporate planning to ensure the product will success in the future
“My awkward Week in Google Glass” by Hayley T¬sukayama is an evaluation on the product of Google Glass. This report basically goes through her experience wearing Google Glass. She describes through her writing how she felt during this period of time. She was a part of a beta or demo program for Google Glass so Google can receive her feedback on the product and also to receive feedback for improvements. Throughout the writing she speaks about how us readers can receive a behind the scenes look at what it is like to walk in society and experience the product of Google Glass. It made us feel as if we were a part of the
McDaniel, C. and Gates, R. (2001), Marketing Research Essentials, (3rd Edition), USA: South Western Thompson Publishing
View more »Expand viewKotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kilter, P. & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education
4. Kotler & Armstrong (2004), Principles of marketing, 10th edn, Pearson Education International, New Jersey.
Some of the benefìts of thìs technology wìth respect to the most serìous, the company ìs entìtled to consìder the technology. Sìnce the technology ìs more harm than good to the busìness, then you should go for other optìons. The company wìll seek to ensure the publìc ìnterest, personal, professìonal and sectorìal ìnterests. Another moment of lìfe, so that, ìf a new technology has a sìgnìfìcant ìmpact on the qualìty of lìfe of many people X, so companìes have to try to work wìth those who ìmprove. For example, ìf 3,000 people lost theìr jobs, the company could create another job elsewhere, or ìt could be an ìncentìve to cover the affected people lose theìr jobs, pay for the losses. Another questìon ìs sìncere, ìt ìs clear that the company has to secure the benefìts of glass × care equìpment. You need to be clear that the qualìty of servìce and ìncrease the damage, whìch wìll cost less than the benefìts, at least. Productìon of the new technology should be provìded wìth X-, not to mìslead customers and all those who are dìrectly or ìndìrectly related to partìcìpatìon. Another poìnt ìn the competìtìon requìres the company to take responsìbìlìty for theìr work. The use of technology to meet the company's needs and ìs fully consìstent wìth the prìncìples of X and objectìves for the company. ìn addìtìon, the company has contìnued to grow effectìvely work on a new X technology to provìde better servìces and solutìons concerned. Another place, professìonal development requìres the company to develop and ìmprove not only theìr skìlls but also theìr
The Google Glass Article stated, “That's part of the plan behind the "Glass Explorer" scheme, which aims to get the devices into the hands – or rather, on to the faces – of ordinary people (and which enabled one member of the trial to putatively auction their Glass),”(Google Glass:Is It A Threat to Our Privacy). To stay in competition means coming out with big and better products faster than anyone else in the market. Brave New World practically coined this to create the World State’s stability. In this novel, the people are encouraged to buy the new and latest products to obsolete the old. The World State makes products that are are nessesity to the people. These items include the distribution of soma, new and exciting feelies, and sex hormone chewing gum. 1984 is not a stranger to this line of work also. The people of 1984 loves to have their Victory Gin and even razors. The Party makes getting razors hard to get to get more demand for a limited supply. In conclusion, when people start seeing everyone with the same product they want to have it as well.
Armstrong, G. Brown, L. Burton, S. Deans, K., & Kotler, P. (2010). Marketing (pp. 4-40). New South Wales: Pearson
Served as Project Manager, implemented the project according to plan. Conducted training, supervised and monitored the progress of the project, made any necessary changes, recalculations and assessments the quality of the completed work on a regular basis. Informs the stakeholders, other appropriate people and the business staff in the organization on the progress of the project. Ensures project completion is on time, within the budget and at the required quality level.
Google Glass has been described as “a personal assistant whereby it allows users to direct connect to the Web via WiFi, or tethers to a 3G or 4G mobile devices via Bluetooth. Its weight is less than a pair of sunglasses ( approximately nine pounds ) and it basically operated by touch and voice.” (Tuffley,2013) Since Google Glass comes with the Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, you could connect your Google Glass with your mobile devices such a smart phone, via Bluetooth. Google Glass also able to translate your speech to text, with it connected to your mobile devices, you can now chat instantly with your friends on Chat Room or Instant Messaging without looking down on your smart phones, instead, you just have to “talk” to them. Google Glass is said to be an almost “hands free device”, the propose of it is to create a more active lifestyle with our advanced technology, it is enough for us seeing people meeting up in a café, meanwhile all they do is just looking down on their smart phones instead of talking to each other, and they could call that a “gathering”, yet it is actually just a group of people sitting together looking at their smart phones separately. The Google Glass is currently still on it’s “Trial and Error” journey, where Google make the Google Glass available for developers, the price stated in the meantime was $1,500. A few lucky developers
Google has made an effort on making a new device called Google Glass, which is innovative device that has people visioning ways to enhance the product by communicating with people but not all are convinced due to the invasive privacy by the documentation of using video recordings at anytime hands free and the safety and health of yourself and your surroundings. It’s also a tool to reduce crime with first person view.
David Jobber and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick (2013). Principles and practice of marketing. 7th edition. United Kingdom: McGraw-Hill Education.
Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., & Kotler, P. (2012). Principles of Marketing. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Australia.
A Google Glass refers to a pair of special eyeglasses worn with a microcomputer attached to it. It features an Optical Head-Mounted Display (OHMD) that aids in displaying images and information. It is hands-free operated device that has a Smartphone display. The technological design transforms the general outlook of the glasses into a headset device. The headset contains a tiny screen that resembles a prism tucked in the uppermost corner of the casing. The user of the device uses voice commands that are recognizable by the device to communicate with the rest of the world via the internet. The headset keeps the user in direct contact with the e-mails, online notifications and phone calls. Google designed the headset to customize the use of internet and bring computer services closer to the user.
The first advantage of Google Glass is that it is a true hands free experience. Google Glass is the only device that eliminated the need to pull out your phone or your computer for your email, text, or call. Google Glass is controlled completely by voice command and it does most of the things that our smart phones can do for us. Sending texts, sending emails, searching the web and taking pictures are some of the features of Google Glass. [8] A person does not have to get his phone out of his pocket. Google Glass, as noted above, is equipped with a 5MP built-in camera, a 720p video camera, and a voice recognition technology, which allows it user to shoot videos and take photos at any given moment. Another example is phone calls, using a