
Scientology Research Paper

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more of a cult rather than a religion. They were scared of the ideas that Hubbard was putting into their citizens' minds. Some were even trying to ban Scientology. The easiest way for Hubbard to escape that was to just leave land. For years he sailed around on a boat from country to country, trying to spread the word of Scientology. As time progressed the Sea Org got too large for just the one boat and the Sea Org upgraded to a fleet of ships. Sailing around the world with a fleet soon got very impractical and expensive for the Sea Org so they set up a base on land in California. They still have boats based there, but mostly for the tradition of it. There are very few requirements to be in the Sea Org. Children as young as 12 are allowed to …show more content…

A few of the most extreme Scientologists do not actually believe in any sort of medicine. This belief comes from their leader, L. Ron Hubbard, who tells his followers that practices like psychology and psychiatry are evil. Harriet Hall explains that, "Scientologists hold psychiatrists responsible for modern wars, racism, ethnic cleansing, and terrorism, including the Holocaust, apartheid, and 9/11. Hubbard called psychiatry the sole cause of decline in the universe" (Hall) This is extremely hypocritical of both Hubbard and all of the followers of Scientology because they practice auditing in order to go clear, which Hubbard initially wanted to be a form of psychiatry. Many people have come to believe that is why Scientologists hate it so much, because other psychiatrists would not approve of Hubbard's method. Because of this, followers of Scientology believe that psychiatry and psychology are evil and will seek no help in those areas. This spread to all aspects of medicine and health so Scientologists will not even go to the doctor for things like the flu or a cold. Hubbard has also been known to tell members that they did not need such trivial things as eyeglasses, that if they could simply just focus on things more they would be able to see. This has caused problems over time because there are parents that will not send their child to the doctor or give them medicine simply …show more content…

While they claim to have ten million followers around the world, others say that is not true. While maybe over the entire course of Scientology history they have had that many followers, at the present moment they are thought to have less than a hundred thousand. In the United States only 25,000 Scientologists were surveyed. Tony Ortega points out, "That’s one Scientologist for about every 12,000 Americans" (Ortega). In comparison, Lemon Grove City in California has a population of 25,067 and is ranked 1290th on a list of the most populated cities in the United States, according to the website The difference in the numbers Scientologists claim and the surveyed numbers is vast. This is because the numbers Scientologists get for their members seems to come from counting any person that has had anything to do with Scientology since it first started. Even if they were a member at one time but left or they simply expressed some interest at some point, they have been counted by the official Church of Scientology as a Scientologist. Janet Reitman, author of Inside Scientology, took an introduction class given by the religion simply for research purposes but she is counted as a Scientologist because of it. In recent years, Scientology has actually been declining in numbers as time progresses. This is a problem because the population of both the world and the United States has been

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