
Go Long By Tiki Barber

Decent Essays

1. In the book titled, “Go Long”, by Tiki Barber and Ronde Barber, my two most favorite characters are Ronde Barber and Matt. Ronde is an eighth grade that plays for the, “Eagles Football Team.” Ronde is a kind-hearted person. He gets along with his twin brother, Tiki, and always supports and helps him whenever he can. Some ways he supports Tiki is when they play football. If and at any time Tiki makes a mistake or gets hurt Ronde always encourages him and complements the way he plays. He supports not only his brother but also all of his team members. He is a strong young man who choses to always do the right thing. Ronde is also kind hearted because he stands up for others. When Cody Hansen, another football player, went in to the locker …show more content…

One of my least favorite characters is Cody. Hanes. Cody is always negative, makes unkind remarks before, during, and after the football games, and always has a salty attitude. When Cody is negative he always puts down people. One of the main people he puts down is Tiki. Tiki is always doing his best even though he messes up. Whenever Tiki fumbles the ball on accident he makes a remark saying he has butterfingers or buttery hands. Ronde is always there to make Tiki feel better and always reminds him to learn from the mistake. Another reason that makes Cody my least favorite character is because he makes unkind remarks about different team members. When they played against the Patriots, Tiki messed up big time. He dropped the ball giving the Patriots enough time to get the ball. Once they got the ball they made a quick touchdown. Tiki had such a bad feeling just knowing that he messed up. To top that, Cody had called a huddle just to make sure he could tell Tiki that maybe he should have passed the ball to the better people on the team instead of try to land a touchdown. Cody also makes smart remarks when coach tells them to do their best and never give up. Once in the locker room Coach Wheeler gave a great speech on how he wanted everyone to do his best no matter what. Cody quietly said that they wouldn’t be able to do their best if he was coaching. Only a few people heard him including Tiki. This frustrated Tiki because Cody didn’t understand that all coach wanted to do was become a motivating coach and make the calls and plays. Tiki respected Coach Wheeler so much that this made him go home

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