
Gloria Mayweather : Off Daydreaming Again

Decent Essays

Gloria Mayweather was off daydreaming again. Ever since her parents had died from the horrible dragon attack she had been on her own. She craves the company of another person deeply.

There are a few things you should know about Gloria. First of all, we all know she’s an orphan. The 19 year old Princess wasn’t like most princesses you see. She wasn’t beautiful or nice or anything like that. She was tall and disgustingly scrawny. She was as pale as a ghost and had freckles and warts all over her body. Her eyes were sunken in and she had purplish bruise like circles under them. The princess has wild black hair that was matted to her head. She had dull green eyes and scaly red lips. It was strange because her parents were both such beautiful …show more content…

Ever since the queen and king died it seemed everything died with them. The valley was bare and all the plants had shriveled up and turned grey. No animals or people were in sight. The people of Brittletwig were starving and lonely creatures. They missed their king and queen. When the king and queen were alive the valley thrived. Flowers blossomed everywhere and the trees were full of fruit. The people were happy and animals scurried about. The people also missed the princess. They wanted a leader and someone to help them. They hadn’t seen her since she was a child. She used to be a joyful little soul. Over time she became afraid of the people. The kids would make fun of her appearance and gawk at her whenever she was around. She locked herself inside the castle for years terrified of going outside. After the princesses parents died she grew even more bitter. She wanted to help her people and knew it was her responsibility but she was too afraid to go outside the castle walls.

“If only I was a pretty princess,” she whispered gently. Gloria gulped. She glanced at her reflection through the glass window. “I would do anything..” she thought. Tomorrow was Gloria’s birthday but instead of being excited she dreaded it. It marked another year she had been without her parents. As the sun went down she gazed over the city. With a sigh, Gloria closed the curtains and slowly got in bed. A single tear ran down her cheek as she slipped under the

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