
Global Warming Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Human activities such as deforestation, burning fossil fuels and transportation emissions have caused warmer climate changes. These factors all are increasing the “Greenhouse Effect” which is when the carbon gets released into the atmosphere, furthermore this causes those gases to be trapped inside the earth’s atmosphere causing multiple of the effects. Global warming is harmful to the environment because there has been an increase in global temperature, incline in natural disasters, and extinction of animals throughout the world. These factors are only a small percentage of what global warming is doing. Without human intervention global warming would not be a problem that this planet would face, it's our priority to save this planet for ourselves and for future generation. …show more content…

Well that would be that there is a increase in the global temperature, and although that this may result in longer farming seasons the negatives will outweigh positives of Global Warming. The following text states the differences in temperature that there has been over time, “According to an ongoing temperature analysis conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), the average global temperature on Earth has increased by about 0.8° Celsius (1.4° Fahrenheit) since 1880.” Even though there may be a longer farming season there will also be more droughts and heat waves due to the increase of temperature. These temperature will continue to rise and although some states and cities have much more precipitation there are also states and cities that don't have much precipitation. Although it may not seem like the temperature is increasing by much it will keep increasing over the years as long as we continue on this path. This planet has no hope of being changed if we continue to intake and use carbon sinks in our daily

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