
Global Warming Is The Number One Concern On The Planet Right Now

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Vadodaria4 Global warming is the number one concern on the planet right now (Ankara 1). Ankara University suggests that “the most common definition of global warming is the process in which Earth’s temperatures increase due too many human activities” (“The Impact of Global…” 1). A basic background of how climate change is provoked is that it is caused by fossil fuels and carbon dioxide being released in the air due to many human activities. This event can potentially harm the human population and put many ecosystems around the world to extinction. Marine ecosystems, in general, are parts of the Earth’s hydrosphere, which make up large parts of the Earth and contain magnificent biodiversity from beautiful fish to the …show more content…

Another factor of ascending sea levels is the increase in temperatures (3). Eissa and Zaki implies that “a considerable number of many species will be threatened with a continuous increase in sea levels to a certain point that the animal or species could become extinct” (The impact of global climatic…” 2). Sea levels are rising at very accelerated rates, and until the water keep rising, they will become very harmful to the human population and many marine organisms. However, increasing temperatures is one of the main factors of climate change. Johansen insists that “the warming of the world’s oceans has not only affected the animals who live above the surface, but also the ones who live below” (“Marine Life…” 1). Increasing temperatures are mostly caused by many human activities such as the release of fossil fuels emissions and greenhouse gases. The two main processes that cause increasing temperatures are Climate Change and the Greenhous effect. These can be very harmful to the marine population and permanently extinct them. According to recent studies, NOAA has discovered that seawater temperatures are increasing by about 0.1 Celsius, and many organisms confronted with this change could be in great danger (NOAA 2). In addition to increasing temperatures and sea levels rising, another factor would be ocean acidification. Global Issues portrays that” ocean acidification is caused by substantial amounts of carbon dioxide which is caused by greenhouse emissions” (Climate

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