
Global C Suite Programme On Corporate Executives Essay

Better Essays

A recent study conducted by IBM under its Global C-suite programme on corporate executives revealed that a comparatively low percentage of New Zealand business hold that they understand their customers (IBM Global Business Services, 2014). According to the study, only sixteen percent of top corporate executives (CEOs, CFOs, COOs and other C-level executives) in New Zealand believe that they understand their clients or consumers. The figure is relatively low if compared to the global total of thirty-five percent considering the advance economy of the country. The article also pointed out that significant efforts will be made to improve New Zealand’s overall percentage performance to around 82% in the next 3to 5 years.

The study also introduced a new business model in the social media & digital age being the “everyone-to-everyone” or e2e economy. What makes it different from the two major types of e-business (Xu & Quaddus, 2010) being business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) that we have come to know of is the creation of business ecosystems that focuses on the individual customer, the level of customer experience and engagement, freedom of movement, highly interactive, transparent and promote synergetic existence among industry players. The growth of online transactions as well as influence of social media on customer buying decisions are expected to grow exponentially over the coming years. In order to stay relevant in this fast

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