
Glass Half Full Person

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Some people are natural optimists, they are often referred to as "glass half full" people and they look on the bright side of life. I tend to fall into that camp. Other people are naturally pessimistic, tend to look on the darker side of life and see problems rather than opportunities. "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity." Sir Winston Churchill. I think it is fair to say that most people fall somewhere in the middle, with a tendency towards one extreme or the other. I think it fair to say that life as a glass half full person tends to be a little easier, which is not to say we "optimists" can't also be realistic... we just choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative. If you would like to move yourself …show more content…

We all have much to be thankful for if we compare ourselves to people in third world countries, people with terminal illnesses etc. Hang out with as many positive people as you can. Positivity is contagious! Try to limit your time with people who drag you down, negative people, "whiners" and complainers. If possible avoid them, if not then spend as little time as possible. Unfortunately negativity is just as contagious as positivity! Do things for other people... with no expectation of a return. It's amazing how good it feels to help others who could use a hand. A charity, a friend in need, a relative who could use a little help or any other way you can. Find things that lift your spirits... I like motivational sayings, "feel good" stories and lessons from successful people. Find things that lift your spirits. Create a plan and measure your success against that plan. Success breeds success. If you create a plan to do something and work at it, and achieve your goal you will feel good. Things like achievable weight loss, learn a language, learn to play an instrument, take a course, make a first speech (Toastmasters)

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