Some people are natural optimists, they are often referred to as "glass half full" people and they look on the bright side of life. I tend to fall into that camp. Other people are naturally pessimistic, tend to look on the darker side of life and see problems rather than opportunities. "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity; a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity." Sir Winston Churchill. I think it is fair to say that most people fall somewhere in the middle, with a tendency towards one extreme or the other. I think it fair to say that life as a glass half full person tends to be a little easier, which is not to say we "optimists" can't also be realistic... we just choose to focus on the positive rather than the negative. If you would like to move yourself …show more content…
We all have much to be thankful for if we compare ourselves to people in third world countries, people with terminal illnesses etc. Hang out with as many positive people as you can. Positivity is contagious! Try to limit your time with people who drag you down, negative people, "whiners" and complainers. If possible avoid them, if not then spend as little time as possible. Unfortunately negativity is just as contagious as positivity! Do things for other people... with no expectation of a return. It's amazing how good it feels to help others who could use a hand. A charity, a friend in need, a relative who could use a little help or any other way you can. Find things that lift your spirits... I like motivational sayings, "feel good" stories and lessons from successful people. Find things that lift your spirits. Create a plan and measure your success against that plan. Success breeds success. If you create a plan to do something and work at it, and achieve your goal you will feel good. Things like achievable weight loss, learn a language, learn to play an instrument, take a course, make a first speech (Toastmasters)
This is untrue due to the research conducted. It was found that people with higher expectations are happier. When they succeed they are happier and when they fail they strive to do better next time to get to their goal(s). The people who set lower expectations will not feel the same amount of happiness when they finish goal because of it being a low expectation. Another reason low expectations don’t work well is because they usually lack the anticipation of succeeding. The anticipation will make people generally happier and Dr. Sharot talks about Friday being the best day of the work week because of the anticipation of the weekend. She concludes with optimism being good because it makes you try harder and lowers stress and anxiety. Overconfidence while similar to optimism bias has its own effect on decision making. Overconfidence will usually make us think we are capable of completing tasks quickly that should take multiple days/hours. This overconfidence it what makes students say they think they can get the assignment done in one class period even though they haven't done that worksheet before. Belief perseverance is also a way our beliefs neglect the facts because of what we
the desire of finding true happiness is always within reach of society. An individual will choose to be happy for the purpose of giving value to their life. Creating a pure optimistic lifestyle lets a person be more positive about their actions, making them able to reach goals they set their mind to. For instance, as seen in the book "Some Nerve" written by Patty Chang Anker, the author talks about her own experiences and how facing fears have made Anker a more positive person. Patty Chang Anker decides to be happy by narrating in detail how discovering all the possibilities that can come by being a joyous individual has led her to a "restarted" life.
Encouragement plays a significant role in my success. Without encouragement, the achievement won't come true. Juliet Ferking, the author of "A Drive to Achieve the Extraordinary" from This I Believe: Life Lessons, tells her story about
Great post Skyler! You make a great point that things in life are bound to go differently than we plan. Aging is especially unpredictable and life can go from good to bad in seconds. You are right that the only way to be happy in life is to have a positive attitude and accept the good along with the
Looking on the "brighter side" of things encourages positive attitudes as well as positive behavior. Shay Carl is a YouTube personality whom I've watched constantly for self motivation, he turned his life around through making the personal choice to wake up everyday and smile, and to look at himself in the mirror and flaunt his features instead of being ashamed to take his shirt off at the beach. At age 25 he weighed 350 pounds. Everyday he looked at himself with shame and disgust, he refused to allow positivity into his life because he believed there was nothing positive about himself that needed praise. One day he decided to stop the pity and to be happy even when he didn't want to, even when life would through massive curve balls at him, he was optimistic at all costs. He lost 200 pounds and had 5 kids. Carl posted daily videos of his progress in hopes to inspire other to follow in his footsteps. With over 4 million subscribes, he managed to create a unity of positive people with the same hopes as he did; to change their lives simply by choosing happiness. A positive attitude leads to a positive life. There are numerous aspects to being an optimist, and making the personal choice to be happy is only the first step to
If you want to achieve happiness in life, people should look on the bright side. And you want to look on the bright side because you do not want to spend the rest of your life thinking about that bad thing that happened to you.
But I think other people just need to look at the positive side of things. Like in soccer games for example I focus on the things that I did good. But I also focus on the things I did wrong so I know what to practice so I can get better and better at for the next game.
Staying positive and trying to find the light in the darkness is a great, but not
In this Ted Talk cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot shared with us the concept of optimism bias and the research that she has been doing on the very topic. She spoke about it as being an illusion. Her description of optimism bias is that we tend to think we will have more positive things happen in our life than bad one. We overestimate the good and underestimate the bad. Optimism bias is something that people throughout the world experience from young to old people. She gave marriage as an example of this kind of bias and stated that forty percent of people that get married will get a divorce but people who just got married will say that there it is unlikely they will end up divorcing. Despite the facts people
One thing that my father told me, actually a couple times, was “if you put in the work, no one can question that”. This meant a lot to me as I really thought about this and analysed it in my head. What he meant, or how I perceived it was, that you may or may not get to where you want to be in life, but nobody can question the work that you put in to get to where you want to be, or where you are right now, and this as with many other things was very, well, inspiring. That is, if you want to put it that way, and this is one of my very reasons for motivation and it helps me build confidence. Knowing this, I have high hopes that these lessons that I have learned throughout my time on this earth so far can benefit my well-being, as well as any of the peers around me, so that I can lead through my
Seeing someone down in the dumps is just terrible. That’s why I like to pull the best out in every situation possible. This is why I believe that a smile a day keeps your life okay. Most people in society today don’t like to see the bad or have that gut feeling that they’re going to get in trouble for their actions. There are usually good outcomes that could be thought about but aren’t.
Even though I read the books and listen to motivational podcasts there's something that is missing from my life. I know you have to think positive, act as if, believe, visualize, and have a deep relationship with God. However I feel as though I am stuck. My friends are advancing in their lives and careers. Then there's me, I recently got laid off from my job and I'm scrambling to find a new one, but I know in my heart that whatever regular job I get won't compare to my dream job, which is to become a screenwriter. Although I try positive affirmations and crafting a new vision board each year I'm still stuck. How can I believe in myself when the people who are the closest to me don't even believe that I can make it? They laugh at my ideas and they don't want to hear what I say because they think I’m “too positive”, "unrealistic", or in "la la land". I want to prove to my haters, non believers, friends and family members that I can and I will make it, but how can I do that when it’s me going up against the world while I am trying to build my career, self confidence, trying to get a new job, and deal with every day life situations? I think on the outside I come off as a positive thinker, happy go lucky person, but I feel as though deep inside lies the real me which is a pessimist who is scared to believe in
At times, we forget what an amazing gift life really is. If we end up spending too much time worrying about things that can go wrong, we create a negative energy around us that manifests itself in unpleasant ways. Having a positive outlook in life brings joy and provides inspiration when we least expect it. We have compiled a list of quotes that
I also believe that no one is born an optimist or pessimist, but rather that people’s life experiences shape their opinions and views on life; turning you into the optimist or the pessimist. The person with the high expectations, or the person that sets the bar too low.
The characters in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises struggled with this, particularly Robert Cohn. Cohn was a ray of hope that people just couldn't bear. As in a dark room when someone opened the shade - the light hurts and one would rather close the shade than