
Girl Scouts Journal Entry

Decent Essays

Every time I mention to anyone that I'm a Girl Scout, the conversation always ends up on cookies. When will they come back, why don't we sell them year round, why are they so expensive etc. I mean I can’t blame them, Girl Scout cookies are delicious. But I am so tired that cookies are what my membership to Girl Scouts is known as. To me, Girl Scouts mean so much more. I remember when I was 5 begging my mom to let me join a troop. That was 13 years ago, and I’m still in the same one. To some it might seem juvenile to still be involved in Girl Scouts at my age. However, during my many years of Girl Scouting, I have learned so many influential skills that I believe help me prepare for my future.
My favorite thing I have ever done with Girl Scouts …show more content…

I had experience in both jobs, even being Head Cabin Aide for my final weeks. As a Head Cabin Aide I created the schedules for the activities as well as researching crafts, creating a sample of said craft and then teaching the craft to all the other cabin aides. As a Group Lead, I worked with a group of campers plus one less experienced PA and was responsible for following our schedule and making sure that all the campers were hydrated, had all their stuff, and diffusing any tensions between girls. Both taught me so much about leadership, responsibility, and …show more content…

The Camp director told me what she wanted to happen and I was in charge of making, testing, and teaching any activities she decided to do that day. Some activities included hiking, how to start a fire, making your own lip gloss, weaving baskets, sewing, orienteering and countless others. I really enjoyed this because I got to spend all day outside in the sunshine teaching campers new crafts or playing fun games. And Campers were usually very excited, especially if the activity involved glitter. But there were days when it was hot and muggy and the only thing the girls wanted to do was go home. On those days, it’s a challenge to get the girls to do the activity; no matter how much glitter there was. However, I never let my frustration show. If the heat was higher than usual, I usually planned lots of water related activities to cool down the campers like water balloon fights. Not only were the girls less hot, they were still having fun which is the most important thing. I learned to always make the best out of bad situations. Even though both jobs had their difficulties, both gave me responsibility. When I was in a leadership position, it gave me more of an incentive to do my job correctly because I had a lot of people depending on me, and if I messed it wouldn’t have just affected me. Through my years, I have applied more of this responsibility to do my work,

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