
Girl Scout Interview

Decent Essays

For my profile I interviewed a longtime friend and sister Girl Scout of mine. She goes by the name of Rosie Houck. Girl Scout Programs build the confidence, courage, and character of the girls that will one day be leading society to the future. Each year girls from around the world put all of the things that they have learned about people and helping others to the test. There are three major awards that can be earned in Girl Scouts, the bronze, the silver and the gold. Rosie Houck has completed all three of them. An accomplishment that is obtained by fewer and fewer girls each year. “I have always loved helping people,” said Rosie. Standing at a staggering height of five foot zero, Rosie isn't exactly tall. Her shoulder length black …show more content…

“When I was in middle school I absolutely fell in love with photography, so I decided to do something with it,” says Rosie with a 100 watt smile. “My troop leader thought of the idea to teach some photography classes to kids. Every weekend for almost three months we met in the city park and took pictures.” She even made a profile to post all the pictures everyone took. “Some were even entered in photo contests.” Sadly none of those pictures won, but it's the thought that counts. At least according to Rosie it is. Classes began with only about eight people, most of them being family friends. “Getting the word to people outside of my social cliché, was kind of hard,” Rosie admitted, but each class more kids came. By the end of the three months approximately twenty five people were coming on a regular …show more content…

In fact she cringed and shook her head vigorously. “That being said, but yet, I don't regret what I did even a bit. It helped better the lives of people I didn't know, and will continue to do so with people I will never meet.” Said Rosie. That is exactly what happened, about a year later Rosie went back to the corrals to see how they were holding up. As soon as she stepped out of the car the owner came out and thanked her once again for all the work she had done. She helped ensure the business stayed afloat for years to come. “Knowing that you did something completely for someone else while expecting nothing is a great feeling,” said Rosie. “That is what being a girl scout is all

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