
Girl Interrupted Character Analysis

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The movie Girl, Interrupted is based on the memoir written by Susana Kaysen. In this film, Susana Kaysen, the main character is first introduced in the hospital where she was taken shortly after overdosing on aspirin and alcohol. Despite taking a whole bottle of aspirin and alcohol Susana claims that it was not a suicidal attempt. In the hospital scene, there is also evidence on Susana’s wrist that she is what is known as a “wrist banger”, Susana claims that she does this because there are no bones in her hands. Shortly after, Susana is evaluated by a family friend and former psychiatrist and is strongly encouraged to check herself into a mental institution not too far from her, by the name of Claymoore. At Claymoore, she is evaluated by psychiatrist Melvin Potts. He asks her why she took so much aspirin and she replies that she wanted to make the time jumps, depression, and wrist banging stop. Susana is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder once she arrives at Claymoore. …show more content…

The reason why I believe humanistic therapy was used is because the therapy used on Susana focused around the Psychiatrist listening to Susana without judging her. Within treatment, the psychiatrist also reflected Susana’s emotions back to Susana. Instead of focusing on her childhood experiences or inner darkest temptations, they focused on ways Susana was struggling and what she could do to recover. They also attempt to use to drug therapy on Susana and all of the other patients at the institution by giving everyone doses of medication at indicated to alive the symptoms associated with their psychological disorders, but these girls fail to take the medications and trade them off with girls who are who addicted to

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