19 years ago, a beautiful baby girl was born to two BYU students. Today that girl attends BYU as a freshman Mechanical Engineering student. Brought up by a Elementary Education major and a Computer Science major, she developed a love of reading at a very young age. That love of reading led to expanded horizons and developed a love of learning in the girl. She nervously began school and suprisingly found that it was very easy for her. As she continued through school, she supplemented her learning with reading, and in fifth grade she entered her first accelerated program. From then on she was largely responsible for her own home work. She continued successfully through school, being recognized for her academic acheivement in all areas. In 9th grade she took her first of many AP classes. Through AP, Honors, and Concurrent Enrollment, she graduated in the Top 30 of her class with over 30 college credits. In addition to her acheivements in school, she also joined her school 's Color Guard and participated consistently in that. Her senior year she acted as Captain of her team, and led them to be First in the state in their division. Color Guard was also key in developing her social skills. Through guard, she learned to work well with other people and she developed life long friendships. After attending high school, she applied and was accepted to BYU bringing her life full circle. In her first semester here she has continued in her academic acheivement,
Along with being a diligent student who has been enrolled in 11 Advanced Placement classes, I have also dedicated my time to other causes. For example, I have volunteered at public libraries, Special Olympics events, orphanages for intellectually disabled children, and food pantries. While maintaining a rigorous course load and volunteering, I also work at Kumon. I tutor children to boost their confidences and understanding of concepts vital to their future success. Moreover, I have received membership to The National Honor Society and have been awarded an AP Scholar with Merit Award. My dedication to becoming more culturally aware and five years of enrollment in Spanish classes has allowed me to be inducted into Spanish Honor Society. Within
Amy Batagower is entering the University of Delaware this coming fall. She comes from an Israeli family with two older brothers. Amy is very involved in her school academics, as well as in the jewish community. She recently just graduated with high honor roll with a GPA of 4.0. Amys’ drive and dedication to fulfill the goals she sets are extremely prevalent. Her drive to get things done is exemplary. Her work in Judaic studies was astonishing, she went from not knowing any hebrew to reading and writing it. Amy is very loving and caring young lady. She will literally drop everything she is doing to help a friend in need. Amy’s neshama is truly something special. Her sense of ahavas yisroel is astounding. She's blessed with having a kind characteristic
Allison is a sophomore at Seminole High School in Pinellas County. She has never received a grade other than an A and has been on the Dean’s List in school since the third grade. She is currently ranked first in her class (1 out of 506) and carries at 4.64 weighted GPA. To the point, during the 3rd report period she earned a 100% or higher in five of her seven classes, including her AP classes. She is currently taking two AP classes in addition to her other Honors classes and will be taking Dual Enrollment and four AP classes next year as
Jarren Calizo is currently a freshman at Waipahu High School and is also enrolled as a Early College student. He first registered in the EC program (LCC) this Spring 2016 semester as an Olympian and chose to immediately take 3 classes, which are Speech 151, Music 107 and Religion 207. Jarren employs top-of-the-line expectations for himself in his future, like maintaining his straight A’s in both HS and EC, becoming a future Valedictorian, earning scholarships and getting accepted into an outstanding university in the mainland. His academic drive is inspired by his favorite biblical verse “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13). Jarren is really involved in his school’s extracurricular clubs, which his two
Carolina Flores has had an extraordinary experience at Casco Bay High School. She had a passionate smile as she said, “I would redo my four years here again.” Her journey before a CBHS was different. Her 8th grade year everyone kept telling her only weird go to CBHS or it's a hard school. But her mother didn't wanted her to go to Deering High school because her older sister had a horrible experience at DHS. “My older sister didn't want me to same experience as she did in high school,” Carolina said. But right now she is so grateful and thankful for mother forcing her to go Casco. She learned how to come out of her comfort zone, for example, her biggest millstone was being a dj at her 10th grade year for the Halloween dance.
Erika is part of National Honors Society because of her outstanding achievements these past few years. She’s been able to show great, qualities, involvement and pride as a Streamwood High School student. Erika is an exemplary student and peer to many around her. She is respectful and responsible. Her pride is shown through events that she helped organize such as the “Teacher's Appreciation Week Entrance Welcoming” and her participation in the Streamwood High School Marching Band and Streamwood High School Pep Band. Though she believes that school spirit is very important she also knows that school is all about education and learning. This is why she is not only involved around the community ,but also maintains a 4.0 GPA and will never accept
Shenitta Niles is on her third semester at Roxbury Community College. She got her high school diploma back in 2011 from Charles Town high school. She originally started out at Bunker Hill Community College, but later transferred to Roxbury Community College due to the low cost, convenience and transportation. Although she is a mother of a young child, she attends the college full time pursuing a major in early childhood education. Constantly being around her daughter and other young children has inspired her to pursue that career. She isn’t sure on the type of field she hopes to work at once she finishes her associate’s degree, but she will continue on to a four year college pursuing this path. Nevertheless, a long term goal of hers is to
In the past couple of years, I have paid close attention to Treniya’s school activities, as well as, her outside activities. Her academic record includes GPA of 4.3; participation in several Honors/AP Classes; Senior Class President; Varsity Cheerleading Captain and National Honor Society. What interest me was her involvement in social activities such as her involvement in
High school is an important time for developing a sense of who you are as a person. Each kid who starts out high school will usually asks themselves what they are there to accomplish. For the most part, many set personal goals for themselves and strive to achieve above and beyond. However, some are just there for the experience and to see where it takes them. It’s apparent that some kids have an easier time and don’t have to struggle with their high school career. For example, some of the students have followed strong academic paths that have prepared them for this time in their lives, where as others have struggled with educational influences and feel unprepared or lost. Swerdlow mentions that the students, who attend J.E.B. Stuart, are given many chances to improve their educational foundation in order to
In addition to tutoring and mentoring the children in the community, Jacelyn also holds the position as Volunteer and Outreach Coordination, requiring her recruit, organize, and oversee student volunteers in the project. In addition, due to financial constraints in her family, Jacelyn also has an off-campus job that requires her to work many late nights and weekends. This ability to manage two jobs, a research assistant position, and consistent participation in community service while maintaining her exceptional GPA at an academically rigorous institution like UCLA demonstrates her admirable character, work ethic, and time management, valuable skills found in few students.
I was born exactly 20 years ago today, in a Provo hospital room that is a 15 minute walk from where I am sitting now. My parents are two BYU alumni, I grew up a BYU fan, and now I am a BYU student. Some people would tell me that I haven't made it very far in life, but I would have to disagree. In my 20 years on this earth, I have spent a lot of time, most of it enjoyable, in school. In fifth grade I switched elementary schools in order to participate in the accelerated learning program they had available. This started me on a path that continued as I moved through middle school and high school. School has always been one of my main focuses. I have always enjoyed learning new things, but I also enjoy working hard and achieving. Though at the
Even after making the transition to Deer River High School in sixth grade, I continued to glide through school. My pattern of being underchallenged continued until I discovered College in the Schools classes this past fall. Finally, I was challenged (perhaps at times even more so than I imagined,) and I’ve grown exponentially in the past academic year. However, I feel as if that exponential growth is reaching its capacity in this specific environment. Becoming a part of the College of St. Scholastica’s academic environment would allow me to begin a new pattern of exponential growth both as a student and as a person.
I remember once hearing: “To reach the impossible you just have to try a little harder”. Sometimes I feel like I don’t try my hardest, therefore I don’t get the results I want. I’m in high school right now as a junior, meaning that the decisions I make from now on are crucial and will affect my future. A big step to accomplish what I want to do when I grow up, is planning for what I will do after I graduate from high school and how I’m going to surpass the obstacles that will be presented to me. Des Moines Area Community College (DMACC), home of the blue beards, is reputed for being a “Military-Friendly College”. (DMACC) It will provide me with the opportunity to reach my dream of becoming a teacher and transferring my knowledge to the next
College is an important place that can lead us to a bright and successful future. College success is more than academics; for us it’s learning how to become an adult for the first time in our life. In college we will develop skills to have relationships with professors, counselors, and with our peers. The whole college experience enables us to truly succeed. Meeting new people, becoming acquainted to different ideas and cultures, and mostly, the enjoyment of the four plus years of being in school. A couple of years from now we will look back at college as either one of the best or worst times of our lives. The one thing that motivates people to go to college is “career
To whom it may concern, Georgia Beckmann is one of the most intelligent, thoughtful and witty students I have seen in my counselling career. These qualities are impossible to miss through how she approaches her assignments, the quality of her insight into topics at hand, discussions in class and extracurricular activities. Georgia’s hard work has consistently earned her some of the highest grades of her class since freshman year, and she has continuously challenged herself each year to improve the quality of her work and analyses across academic disciplines. Georgia has earned straight A’s throughout her entire high school career, which is no surprise based on the hard-working spirit she exudes every day in all of her classes. This has carried