
Gilman Scholarship Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I am applying to the Gilman Scholarship in order to be able to participate in the API Summer Program for Spanish Culture and Business offered at the University of San Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid, Spain. Currently, I attend Virginia Commonwealth University and I am working towards a major in Business with a concentration in Accounting. Participating in this program, will have a major impact on my academic and future professional goals. For example, one of my future professional goals, is to work with a multi-national financial firm and to be able to travel to different parts of the world to plant and carry out business ventures and other activities related to the same. There were many choices, but Madrid is known for being an economically, …show more content…

During the last decades, Madrid has surfaced as the heartbeat of modern business, art, technology, and fashion. Traveling to Spain on a tourist travel will only show me a glimpse of what Spain’s history treasures are, but this program will unveil many aspects of the Spanish culture that are unique and exclusive to the country. In addition, it will be a great opportunity to learn about my own culture a little better. As we already know, Spain conquered a vast majority of what is now the American continent. While in Madrid, and since I will be only a few hours from Seville, Spain; I would love to be able to visit the General Archive of the Indies which holds the records and complete documentation of the historical administration and discoveries made by the Spaniards in the New World during its prominent years in exploration. As a native Guatemalan, it would be fascinating to learn about my own roots from the accounts of the Spaniards who set foot on my country and many of the other American countries that were conquered by Spain. Sometimes, we get a better appreciation of history when it is viewed from both perspectives. It’s not the same to learn history of a country based on the narratives of a textbook, than to be actually experience it from its culture and people. The study abroad program will consist of a total of ninety classroom hours of interaction with native Spanish students and professors. In addition, one of the courses will be taught fully in Spanish, which will benefit me greatly by strengthening my Spanish speaking, reading, and writing skills. While in Spain, I hope to be able to interact with Spaniards and exchange information in order to compare and contrast their culture from my own. I’d also like to explore the city of Madrid,

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