
Getting A Shot: Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

When I started my production I had a few ideas that I thought would work out well. Originally, I thought certain shots involving the bus, the sibling and some interior shots would further the production and provide a better-rounded story. After rethinking the logistics involved in getting the shot as well as the pacing of the video I decided that those shots were not pertinent to the production. This production seemed to go smoothly. My talent worked well in my production and took her cues. She understood what had to be done and was incredibly professional. Also, she would constantly try to improve her performance by asking questions. In addition, the weather was also mostly on my side. Each day that I went out the weather was exactly what I wanted. It was overcast on the days that I needed it to be overcast; and it was sunny on days that I needed it to be sunny. …show more content…

On the day in which I went to get shots of my talent leaving the school it was raining. This did give the shot a darker aesthetic, but I couldn’t stay out for as long as I had planned. Thus I had to get the shots that were the most critical to my production and leave. Another problem I had to experience pertained to the sunset shot that I needed. I attempted to get a shot of the sun, but ended up getting the clouds slightly changing color. Not only were the clouds hardly moving, but it hardly looked like a change of time. What I did to rectify this issue was take the camera out another day and

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