
Get Out

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After a long day of going to classes, my best friend and I decided to go watch Get Out after hearing from our other friends who said it was worth watching. We knew that our time was going to be well spent by enjoying a well-made film. The film Get Out is seen by some viewers as a horror movie, but for me it is seen more a suspense film. This film portrays the story of the main character, Chris, that goes to his girlfriend’s house, Rose, to meet her parents for the weekend. As the movie continues, he ends up discovering a truth that he could never think of, which puts his life in danger. The script, actors, and visual effects make the film from a scale of one through ten a ten making it worthwhile. The script of Get Out is an essential element …show more content…

Actor Daniel Kaluuya (IMDb), who plays Chris, the main character in the film, does a fabulous job interpreting his character. His acting portrays his character’s feelings to the audience, allowing them to feel his fear and worry for his life. The acting of actress Alisson William (IMDb), who plays Rose, Daniel’s girlfriend in the film, does a great job too with her acting as a lovely girlfriend that does not care the color of her boyfriend. Her acting is wonderful because throughout the entire film she is able to convince the audience that she is a character with hidden emotions. At the end of the film, we realize her true intentions, which adds to the suspense of the film because her true self surprises the audience. The supporting actors are part of what makes this film exceptional as well, and the actor LaKeith Stanfield (IMDb), who plays character Andrew Logan. Even though he has just a few scenes in the film, his acting in one scene impacted the audience because of the powerful way he states his lines “Get Out! Get Out!” His acting in this scene contributes to the suspense of the film, and the ending of calm mood, which is so different from the

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