
George Orwell's 'Cat': A Fictional Narrative

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Cat woke up to the sound of bird's twittering. She could hear the soft snores and moans coming from her sisters around her. Opening her eyes, she saw a blue bird pirched on the window sill, she smiled lazily at it and then watched as it flew away out of her view.
Cat tossed to the other side, closing her eyes and attempting to go back to sleep when she heard the door creak open and an unneeded loud voice.
'Girls, get up!' the booming voice of Louise shouted.
'Governess...' Cat groaned, she rolled, back facing the door and Louise, throwing the duvet over her head in an attempt to block both her governess and her unnecessarily loud voice out.
'It's too early...' she heard one of her sister's moan sleepily.
'And it's still dark out,' the high …show more content…

Cat was literally on the egde of sleep when she felt her duvet be yanked off her, the cold air created when it moved making her shiver.
'Hey!' she cried, sitting up only to be face-to-face with Louise. Her dark blue eyes boring into Cat's lighter blue ones, her long nose almost touching her own. Bits of grey hair tumbling down her face.
'Up!' Louise screamed, despite being less than three inches away.
Grudgingly, Cat threw her legs over the side of the bed as Louise threw her duvet back down. Her sisters began following her lead. Some made their way over to their mirrors whilst overs were getting out of their night gowns.
'I don't see why Father makes us wake up early,' Shayla said to nobody in particular while brushing her dark brown hair.
'Your father likes to make the most out of every day and that involves using the whole day.' Louise replied back, talking normally now.
'Why?' asked Cat. 'It's not like we do anything. We go for a walk and that's about it.'
'I don't make the rules up, Carolina.' Cat rolled her eyes at Louise forgetting her name, she'd done it so much that Cat didn't have the energy to care anymore. Louise left the room. Though, not before …show more content…

She began playing with the ends of her red hair which had already been brushed through, twirling the ends of it around her fingers. While Kyleigh continued with her hair, Cat looked up towards the picture on the wall. The twelve of them, ten years ago, with both their mother and father with them. She felt a sort of guilt and sadness puff into her stomach everytime she looked at the picture and her mother. Cat was five when she had died and nobody told her why. She'd ask Brandy, her second oldest sister because she was once scared of Kyleigh. Brandy had told her not to ask about her ever again and for ten years Cat never knew the reason. She felt sadness for she missed her mother, but the guilt always seem larged, to take up more room because she couldn't really remember Mother. She was just this woman with red hair and blue eyes who Cat resembled and when she had died, she watched her sister cry but she didn't feel anything. No tears came to her eyes but yet the puff filled her stomach and made her want to be sick because she knew she was doing something wrong, that she should be crying, so she forced herself to be sad whenever Mother was mentioned, which had now become rare, even none existant. She believed the guilt would go if she forced herself to be upset, but it seemed to have made it worse for somewhere in the back of her mind, Cat's brain always knew she was

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