
Creative Writing: The Painted Girl

Decent Essays

An hour later, Sarah joined Painted Girl in the kitchen. Sarah’s suitcases towered over Painted Girl’s, ready to be loaded into the car. Dingle jumped up and sat between the two girls, licking his paws, darting quick looks at Sarah. Grandfather and Doc Tate, the vet, leaned against the counter, drinking piki. “Are you ready to go yet?” Painted Girl asked Sarah. “In a minute. Grandfather, why don’t you have Doc Tate look at Dingle. He’s had an odd cough of late.” Sarah asked as she scooted her chair away from the cat. Dingle shivered, hiding his giggle. He brought his paw to his mouth to lick it. He thought that was a good idea. Act normal “He’s seems cold, maybe he has a fever.” Sarah edged further away from the cat, bumping into Painted Girl in her haste. “I’ll look at him now. Let me get my things,” Doc Tate answered. The local vet and Grandfather’s only physician set down his drink and rummaged through his vet bag for a thermometer. His Navajo heritage was proclaimed by the medicine wheel he wore proudly around his neck. It was a gift from Grandfather when he’d found his heritage... with Grandfather’s help. …show more content…

“The gearshift,” she spayed her fingers over it, rubbing it too and fro, waiting for John’s attention, “has always interested me. I love how the power comes through it. Press here and you go down.” Lightly she ran her red nails over the knob, “throw it here and things get moving, propelling you faster toward your destination.” Sarah licked her red lips leaning closer to John. “I like it when you grab the shaft instead of the ball and flick it…” She paused bringing her hand down the stick. She twisted, magically unbuttoning her jacket and her corset groaned with the weight of her confined breast. She parted her lips and pursed them as John strained to look at her. John’s foot uncontrollably pushed on the accelerator, propelling the truck forward at a greater

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