
Genogram Essay Examples

Decent Essays

Friedrich Nietzsche once said that “In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.” Well even if he was wrong when it comes to everyone else, he certainly hit the nail on the head with Zack Mikat, a young man whose face is rarely without a smile when among his friends. I first met him about four years ago, when we were both members of a homeschool co-op in Thomasville, North Carolina. We were not very close of friends back in those days, although we did have a few mutual friends and therefore sometimes hung out around each other. The next year he didn’t come back to the co-op, but he came back the year after that, although we still did not know each other well enough to call ourselves friends. However the following year I joined …show more content…

But being a friend takes many different of qualities, of which Zack has several such as loyalty, trustworthiness, and general friendliness. When preparing to write this essay, I discovered that I did not have enough of a comprehensive understanding of my interviewee, and I did not have enough time to gain the knowledge that I required. So I asked Zack, being someone that I already knew decently well, if I could interview him instead. He, being the loyal friend that he is, had the answers to my questions in an email and sent to me within an hour of my request. But loyalty is not his only significant trait in regards to friendliness. There have been several instances when I have had conversations with Zack in confidence. He proved himself a true friend then as well by providing council that kept both sides of the matter in perspective, while also maintaining my trust by keeping our discussion between the two of us. Examples of Zack’s general friendliness abound within any encounter with the young man. His broad smile, his crazy laugh, and his excited talking often cause others to join in and enjoy themselves for as long as they can stay. As I have said before, there are few that do not bring out the best in him, but those that do not are dealt with honorably and fairly. In short, Zack is one of the best friends that you could ask for, and he proves it with every

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