
Genetic Development And Social Development

Decent Essays

hich I believe makes it an insignificant implication in comparison to the possible outcomes of PGD, which is the high percentage of having a healthy child which to many definitely outweighs the risk of biological implications such as OHSS.

Evolutionary Consequences:
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis will ideally quicken the natural selection process within the human population. Due to PGD aiming to decrease the chance of abnormal embryos developing, therefore decreasing the appearance of the unwanted alleles. This then will potentially lead to a human race that has artificially evolved to have little to no genetic disease. Normal human evolution will theoretically slow as the technology continues to develop to the point of determining …show more content…

I believe that the cost of PGD is an insignificant road bump in the journey to having a successful pregnancy and a healthy child. Obviously the large amounts of money required limits the participants eligible for the programme. But the extreme costs and emotional strain of which I expand on later in the report are much more great if a couple were to have a child that did have a genetic disease which can in the long run cost much more than the programme would ever cost.

PGD can be emotionally demanding:
This entire procedure requires an enormous emotional commitment, whether or not it is successful. Due to the chances of the procedure not being successful the partners need to be guardedly optimistic but prepare themselves emotionally so that they aren’t overwhelmed by failure incase it does not succeed.

The women also need to understand the unpredictable emotions that the fertility drugs trigger as well as the biological implications which are mentioned above such as the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome and obviously the chance of miscarriage which is around 15-20% likely.

A large emotional impact that can challenge the couple is the baggage that they take to the fertility clinic. This is

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