
Genetic And Environmental Factors Of Crohn 's Disease

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After researching for hours and viewing so many different diseases, I came across a disease I am familiar with and have actually learned about during this online course. Crohn’s disease which affects millions of people around the world is a type of disease that has had research done on it for years and with all of the research that has been done, there still has not been a finding on the exact triggers of this disease. First of all, Crohn’s disease usually involves the small intestine and it may lead to nutrient malabsorption. One thing that has been figured out by researchers is, genetic and environmental factors definitely contribute to the development of Crohn’s disease. This disease can really occur in any region of the Gastrointestinal Tract (GI Tract) but, for most cases it will affect the ileum, and the large intestine. Patients who suffer from Crohn’s disease will likely develop Lesions in different areas in the intestine, and eventually normal tissue separating the affected areas. Inflammation of the intestine can extend deeply into intestinal tissue and this usually is caused by ulcerations, fistulas, or fissures. Fistulas are normally the main cause out of those three, this is where abnormal passages between the organs or tissues allow the passage of fluids or secretions. With scar tissue resulting from Fistulas, the tissue eventually thickens, and this narrows the lumen and it sometimes causes strictures and/or obstructions. We know that having Crohn’s disease

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