
General Strain Theory

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Social disorganization theory in part manages to evaluate why youth crime occurs; however, this theory has its limitations, and requires additional insight from another theory; General Strain Theory to provide a strong evaluation methodology. In evaluating these theories, several academic sources such as articles and books will be consulted.
The theory of Social Disorganisation explains why some communities have higher rates of crime than others. This theory posits that social disorganization, which is an inability of community members to collectively achieve shared values or to solve shared problems, and that delinquency arises from this. (Osgood 2000, 83) It also suggests that varying economic disadvantages lead to a ‘disorganized’ community, …show more content…

General Strain Theory, is much more suitable when talking about youth crime, being broader and more comprehensive. This theory defines strain as an event or condition that is disliked by individuals; subjective strain being one disliked by the individual, and objective strain being broadly seen as dislikeable in a group. The theory posits three types of strain; inability to achieve goals legitimately (such as status goals) the loss of positive stimuli (such as family or money), and the experience of negative stimuli (such as mistreatment). (Agnew 2010, 102) These strains contribute to negative emotions, which in turn create pressure for action – and a person may cope through committing criminal offenses as a means of reducing or escaping from strains, seeking revenge against those viewed as responsible, or alleviating the undesirable emotions connected with the strains experienced (such as use of illegal drugs). (Agnew 2010, 101) In regard to youth crime especially, General Strain Theory explains that youth are more likely to experience strains that can lead to crime, and cope with these strains through criminal behaviour; mainly due to increased academic strain, as well as increased time with peers without adult supervision (which increases the likelihood of negative treatment from peers). …show more content…

Community crime rates relate strongly to economic deprivation (Agnew 2010, 107); this inability to reach economic goals causes strain in of itself, but also leads to family problems such as divorce and abuse, which further increases the chances of negative treatment in the community due to the pervasiveness of these issues. Due to the low level of affluence in deprived communities, such individuals often have poor coping skills; thus, being more likely to turn to crime. (Agnew 2010, 108) Social disorganization theory blends well with this aspect of General Strain Theory, especially in regard to community crime, this theory states that individuals in low socio-economic areas are less able (as well as willing) to come to one another's assistance because they are busy with their own problems in life, as well as less willing to exercise social control within the community. This makes individuals more likely to associate with other criminals and hold beliefs which may be construed as being conducive to the incidence of crime. These two theories when used in conjunction, provide a much more comprehensive explanation for youth crime in Victoria. However, though there were 964 young people in youth detention on an average night in the June quarter 2017, over a 4-year period, the rate of young people in sentenced detention

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