
Gendered Experience Analysis

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To speak on behalf of my gendered life, I will have to reference my family quite a lot. My gendered experience is something I experience every waking moment of my life, but it is something that has been highly influenced by my family. I will be writing about how my race, ethnicity, gender, sex, nationality, able bodiness, citizenship, religion, and class shaped my experiences. My intersectionality has provided me opportunities in some instances and oppression in others. I am a Pakistani, Muslim American female. I mention this first because it is being a Muslim American female (emphasize female) that really shaped my day to day experiences. My experiences are all interconnected within the matrix of domination as stated in the article Theorizing …show more content…

I want to point out that I do recognize that ‘Muslim’ isn’t a race, it’s a religion, but it feels like after 9/11, being ‘Muslim’ has become racialized. This reminds me of the article The Social Construction of Race by Ian Lopez because it resembled how easily we can socially construct certain groups to have ‘natural’ differences from us, when it is all just social interaction and created by our society, such as the racialization of Muslims. I remember Christianity and Catholicism were always the norm. I never grew up learning about my culture in depth, unless we were learning about 9/11. I remember people’s faces physically changing when I said I was Muslim. People who are Christian or Catholic have the privilege of having a religious temple or building near them at all times, they have time off work for their holidays, we use their Calendar system, their religion is always represented in media, they don’t have to speak on behalf of the people of their religion when someone from their religion commits a crime (like a school shooting), and they can worship their religion freely without feeling fear. Seeing the way my religion was portrayed in the media and how my parents almost hid this from neighbors, made me realize that there must be something wrong with us and I still carry this fear of saying I’m …show more content…

“It is, let us say, an entitlement that none of us should have to earn; ideally it is an unearned entitlement. At present, since only a few have it, it is an unearned advantage for them” (McIntosh, 15). Here are some instances where I have had unearned advantages. My culture can be obsessed with light skin. Colorism is a huge issue within desi culture media and personal life. I have a lighter skin tone and because of that I have gained unearned privileges such as being taken more seriously, being considered ‘pretty’ within the community, and so on. I also have the privilege of being an American citizen. Being a citizen has given me the unearned privilege of having access to more jobs, financial aid, access to health care at work, and more opportunities. I also have the privilege of being able bodied. I remember looking around at all the hills and stairs at UCLA and wondering how people in wheelchairs get around, this is something physically disabled people always have to consider. I also have the privilege of not worrying about taking medication, having enough money for medication, not getting a job because of my disability, having more access to opportunities, and much more. I also wanted to mention that although I am a minority, I am

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