
Gender Roles In A Thousand Splendid Suns

Decent Essays

Women have had a tumultuous history within the country of Afghanistan. They have face many setbacks and have fought tooth and nail to get where they are today. But even today, a woman is subjected to death threats and violence because of her efforts to further women’s rights in the country. Years of Taliban rule has forced women into lower than second class citizenry, where it was acceptable and encouraged to treat women as property and nothing more than something which to abuse, demoralize, and trade as property in order to increase a man’s social setting. This lesson plan will address how women have been treated over the years, their roles, and the effect the Taliban has played on their lives. It will include a brief history on women’s rights in Afghanistan, reading the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khlaed Hosseini, as well as a few additional articles and a couple of videos. There will also be a discussion prompt to connect all of the material into a cohesive unit and short answer quiz. …show more content…

The fall of the Taliban in 2001 opens the door for international forces led by the United States. During this vastly changing political landscape of the country, women’s rights have been exploited by different groups for political gain, and sometimes great improvements were made, but more often women were left forgotten and abused as something that can be loosely negotiated and frequently forgotten altogether in favor of terms that were deemed more pressing than women’s rights. But it has not always been like this for Afghan

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